BobbyTables829 t1_ivhbvab wrote
I can't do it. I keep thinking of all those (7,000+) migrant workers who died, and it makes me feel dirty.
I really want to, but I just can't. It's not out of outrage nearly as much as grief, like I can't think about the games without thinking of all the people who died for it.
SmoochieMcGucci t1_ivhcs61 wrote
The USA plays Iran 11/29.
spicymemesdotcom t1_ivhdfmz wrote
Iran’s government is bullshit and I hope they’re overthrown real soon. But you guys know there’s a country out there who has been droning the shit outta people at their weddings and shit right? Guess the victims are the wrong color now.
foundviper11 t1_ivhdgws wrote
Sucks that the people of Iran continue to pay the price for what their asshat regime is doing. Let the Iranian people have something to cheer for. They're not the ones deciding to send drones to Russia.
[deleted] t1_ivhe9xb wrote
[deleted] t1_ivhf5s8 wrote
[deleted] t1_ivhf75c wrote
[deleted] t1_ivhfmcb wrote
[deleted] t1_ivhguk2 wrote
[deleted] t1_ivhgzi8 wrote
Alfred-Fallon-Borden t1_ivhh8ur wrote
“Thousands” lmao
[deleted] t1_ivhhatm wrote
[deleted] t1_ivhi61h wrote
[deleted] t1_ivhj3es wrote
[deleted] t1_ivhk47y wrote
29PiecesOfSilver OP t1_ivhke3d wrote
Yeah… I think I AM going to ‘Qatar’ this World Cup out of my schedule.
Edit: World Cup Qatar 2022 Ambassador says ‘Homosexuality is damage in the mind’
Edit: FIFA President Blatter says picking Qatar to host the World Cup was a ‘mistake’
[deleted] t1_ivhkhg7 wrote
beanzinabox t1_ivhkv7k wrote
[deleted] t1_ivhla8v wrote
Wait guys, bombing people to advance your national interests is bad?
Oh man. I gotta make some calls
[deleted] t1_ivhlguh wrote
[deleted] t1_ivhmsyt wrote
Splith t1_ivhog1j wrote
I came here to say this. Iran isn't half as bad as some other nations.
HankScorpio42 t1_ivhoplh wrote
LoL the whole event is being held in Qatar and built on the backs of slave labour with FIFA doing nothing about it.
ASpellingAirror t1_ivhr1dj wrote
If we are talking about a hypothetical booting of Iran, shouldn’t it be over the human rights violations that they are committing against their own citizens?
Meatball_pressure t1_ivhrbl5 wrote
Huh, never mind human rights abuses in their own shithole
FriedEggScrambled t1_ivhs1dn wrote
Oh yeah. They just slaughter teenage women for wanting freedom, then refuse to release the bodies to the families. No big deal.
MatiasPalacios t1_ivhvuxt wrote
Dozens of redditors agree with this! IRAN IS OVER NOW! WE DIDI IT REDDIT!!!
hairyupperlip t1_ivhygh7 wrote
So a ton of countries should be booted then, right?/s
InnerCityHeel t1_ivhynh3 wrote
And why do their players who are constantly outspoken against the regime have to suffer from their decisions? No. This is a conclusion that doesn’t solve anything, and you are not punishing people who are even responsible.
[deleted] t1_ivhysjb wrote
OneReportersOpinion t1_ivhytqe wrote
Then US should be booted for carrying out the genocide in Yemen.
GoldenStateComrade t1_ivi03la wrote
And using literal slaves is no big deal huh?
FriedEggScrambled t1_ivi09hd wrote
You think Iran doesn’t do the same? Lol!
You’re arguing about which regime is more murderous like it’s cool.
JDF8 t1_ivi0i9b wrote
We let them have a little brutal oppression, just as a treat
robotzor t1_ivi0md7 wrote
Yeah we should have installed a better government when we couped them
Sourdoho t1_ivi0nk0 wrote
No because the Iranians suffering are not European, you see.
[deleted] t1_ivi1ll8 wrote
[deleted] t1_ivi1txf wrote
[deleted] t1_ivi1ywj wrote
[deleted] t1_ivi227a wrote
[deleted] t1_ivi2egn wrote
amazinglover t1_ivi2mqu wrote
So we should give them a pass since it could be worse?
MozeltovCocktaiI t1_ivi2zav wrote
They did something about it. They lined their pockets and continued as if nothing was wrong
[deleted] t1_ivi3037 wrote
antifragile t1_ivi30mp wrote
Literally propaganda.
[deleted] t1_ivi39jz wrote
[deleted] t1_ivi3hlg wrote
dude_central t1_ivi473n wrote
I just realized USA is the worlds 'reserve currency' and coincidentally has worlds largest military. huh.
Zeblasky t1_ivi4zlj wrote
Yes, and for other example you would not want to stop buying Saudi oil over Yemen literal hunger genocide when this could actually hurt europeans and US. Better to sell Saudi more weapons instead!
HaikuBotStalksMe t1_ivi68n8 wrote
Well, you see, those people weren't white Ukrainians, silly.
garvierloon t1_ivicar7 wrote
That’s the reason? That?
[deleted] t1_iviei0l wrote
robpottedplant t1_ivierrk wrote
I get a little confused by this. The West sells weapons to just about everyone. We helped form and fund some of the worst terrorist organisations…why do people not care about that?
Or I guess if you do care, why is Iran doing it so much worse?
baselganglia t1_ivifx6i wrote
Sir, this is a Wendys.
An_Anonymous_Acc t1_ivii6uy wrote
Funny how they aren't urging them to boot the US out for selling weapons for Saudi Arabia's genocide. Not even an urging to boot Saudi Arabia..
Propaganda. That's all this is
velvetrevolting t1_ivijo88 wrote
Thousands and insignificant number.. can we change the title of this post?
dysfunkti0n t1_ivikdai wrote
Im trying to decide if it’s fucked if I pirate the games. Sigh.
Billionairess t1_ivin23h wrote
Oh please with the feigning of outrage, dont tie the football team to the actions of the team's govt. If we're going down this route, there wouldnt be a 2022 world cup
jam-and-marscapone t1_iviq4cj wrote
Asking FIFA to do anything is counterproductive. Forget they exist. Don't watch it. Don't buy the games. Don't enjoy any aspect of it. They are criminals.
nyayylmeow t1_iviqx19 wrote
It’s called being white
LloydDoyley t1_iviu03l wrote
It's always been the way. The 1934 WC in Italy was Mussolini's chance to promote fascism on a the international stage, 1966 went to a nation with empire and its associated atrocities still well in play, the 1978 WC was held in Argentina when an army dictatorship was in charge, 1994 would need a novel on what the USA has done and continues to do, 2010 was held in one of the most crime-ridden countries in the world, then there was 2018 in Russia.
(E: Added England in 1966, thanks u/tennisguy1234567)
LloydDoyley t1_iviu1wp wrote
Anyone interested in human rights would've also boycotted 1934, 1978, 1994, 2010, 2014, 2018
tennisguy1234567 t1_ivivgch wrote
And England in 1966, right?
LloydDoyley t1_ivivphy wrote
You could argue that, yes
tennisguy1234567 t1_ivivsni wrote
Buddy, England should be one of the first, if not the first, on that list. For you to exclude it altogether is biased as fuck.
Anaistrocas t1_ivix20q wrote
"Thousands" it doesn't say who, where? Fucking baitclick top tier journalism.
LloydDoyley t1_ivizbhb wrote
Nah you're right mate. It should be there. Edited.
Mantismantoid t1_ivizndi wrote
I get it but why do the athletes and people of Iran have to be punished? This isn’t going to bring down a regime and in the end it’s just going to take some joy out of regular people’s lives that are otherwise miserable. I think sports to some degree needs to transcend politics. Also, look at all of the bad actors who have played in World Cup like North Korea, where there are living breathing concentration camps for example.
[deleted] t1_ivj3kms wrote
Abdul-HakimDz t1_ivj52ib wrote
They sell weapons to kill arabs so its okay /s
Cool_Foot_Luke t1_ivje9gd wrote
This may surprise you, but most Russians.
Fairly white.
Shocking I know.
Maybe, just maybe, race has absolutely nothing to do with it.
A novel thought I know.
In fact seeing as there are more non white Americans (about 115,000,000) than the entire population of Iran (84,000,000) I'm sure it's the white thing.
But perhaps it's not race and political and idealogical differences.
Just perhaps.
AttackHelicopter_21 t1_ivjhd5n wrote
It’s a World Cup, Not a “Countries which respect Human Rights” Cup.
If North Korea is allowed to field a team, it’s absolutely ridiculous to ban any other country in the world from FIFA.
[deleted] t1_ivjlp2s wrote
Heydavid17 t1_ivjm0g7 wrote
So… let our players be booted from the World Cup, the same players that even protest against the regime as well, the regime that kills their own people. When they have a chance to show a message here in less than 2 weeks time.
Are people fucking stupid!? The people of Iran =/= The fucking regime
robpottedplant t1_ivjm284 wrote
But in seriousness it seems to be the general public as a whole are incensed by Russia and anyone who supports Russia fighting a war, but when we where bombing the shit out of countries or overthrowing governments it was a necessary evil. Both are very wrong, just annoys me this moral high ground people take because we are western European
h0bbie t1_ivjmqtv wrote
Honest question: who could best host a World Cup while not qualifying for inclusion in your list of negatives? I’m struggling. Australia maybe?
LloydDoyley t1_ivjqqdy wrote
Every country has their negatives, of course. Just don't give it to a country with no infrastructure, no footballing heritage or even its own established league. FWIW I didn't really have much against 2018 in Russia because it satisfied all of these factors, even though there's a crazy despot in charge.
Motivated78 t1_ivjqqqv wrote
Came here to say something similar
blueteamk087 t1_ivjrcyv wrote
Obama’s grandfather was tortured by the British in Kenya.
h0bbie t1_ivjt6av wrote
Oh I’m definitely not defending Qatar as the choice. 😃 and I agree with your criteria.
awakened_01 t1_ivjtw1d wrote
Please. FiFA will probably give Iran the rights to host the world cup before they do anything else. If thousands dying and hundreds more are enslaved in a country were homosexuality is punishable by death are still able to host, what chance does this have?
xhyzBOSS t1_ivjun8r wrote
everyone wants iran out and italy in. Would make the World Cup so much more fun watching.
LloydDoyley t1_ivjv0rj wrote
Oh I didn't think you were in the slightest 😃
warren_stupidity t1_ivjx09w wrote
How about for murdering peaceful protestors?
IV4K t1_ivjz9ac wrote
No only White Europeans Matter.
BreezyWrigley t1_ivk20a7 wrote
Aren’t the people of Iran actively trying to rid themselves of the horrible extremist theocratic government that’s been oppressing them right now? Shouldn’t we be cheering them on for trying to get rid of their problem officials and advance civil liberties and gender equality in their country?
Cool_Foot_Luke t1_ivk2aui wrote
America and the west sell weapons to the world.
This fuels the infamous military industrial complex.
The military companies are owned by massive conglomerates like Blackrock and Vanguard.
Who also own the media companies, and have politicians in their pockets on all sides of the political spectrum.
So media outlets repeatedly ignore when western companies or governments sell weapons to the world, but draw attention to other countries doing so.
Mainly due to them being competition to the western arms companies.
two5031 t1_ivk2zzx wrote
So for me, here's the thing...
Russia has qualified for and participated in previous world cup tournaments.
Qatar never has, they haven't even come close.
Russia already had a great deal of infrastructure in place from hosting large international events, such as the Olympics.
Qatar had 0 infrastructure in place and we all know about the stories of slavery/human rights coming from this construction.
In my opinion, allowing Russia to host a World Cup is not quite as unusual as Qatar's hosting one.
ArcturusEye t1_ivk3eb3 wrote
they are, also kicking them out of the WC punishes the players and fans more than the govt, so it doesn’t really even make sense
Alfred-Fallon-Borden t1_ivk8pgm wrote
Lmao yes let’s give Italy the spot that they couldn’t even beat North Macedonia to get
Celtavigo30 t1_ivkc84l wrote
Well, no one would agree to boot the US, it’s an easy win for anyone at the WC.
Thumbless6 t1_ivkeqft wrote
Just a genuine guy that wears his homophobia on his sleeve. Super helpful when compared to the people that try to be facetious about it
giganticsquid t1_ivkeuvv wrote
The US was allowed to participate despite the random wars on Iraq, Afghanistan etc. Hypocritical much?
xinixxibalba t1_ivkhag8 wrote
there’s literally dozens of us!
Bendy_McBendyThumb t1_ivkhdau wrote
While there’s no excusing war and conflict, part of the reason things in the Middle and Far East, Africa etc. don’t get as much consideration in the media in the West is because… it’s not happening in the West. If you go to those places, you’re less likely to hear about things from the West, no different to vice versa where we hear next to fuck all unless we look for it (generally speaking).
DQ11 t1_ivki0js wrote
These players didn’t send the drones.
Capt_Billy t1_ivkilux wrote
Just set up a nice diving pool in Qatar for them. They’d prefer that anyway
red_red2020 t1_ivklaxl wrote
Well I guess they can’t boot Iran over human rights violations because, QATAR.
Corronchilejano t1_ivkltel wrote
Don't watch the world cup.
Cyhawkboy t1_ivkltky wrote
Oh stop. By your logic only countries like Mongolia or Tuvalu deserve to host the World Cup. There is a line that has to be crossed and perhaps using slaves is it.
Ferris_Wheel_Skippy t1_ivkmm4v wrote
I told myself i would boycott this tournament when i first saw the reports of labor treatment in 2011.
i'm sticking by that. I know my "boycott" is absolutely meaningless and will not affect the tournament in any way lol, but i just can't in good conscience watch a single minute of it
Ferris_Wheel_Skippy t1_ivkmqxk wrote
That's Italy's fault for not playing well in qualifying lol
You didn't see the Netherlands begging for handouts in 2002
Ferris_Wheel_Skippy t1_ivkmzu5 wrote
it is pretty crazy the total lack of self-awareness by the U.S. media over the invasion of Ukraine when the U.S. military pretty much invaded a sovereign state in TWO of the most notable examples since 9/11
i mean ffs, SNL had the Ukrainian Choir open one of their shows. That's great and all but boy was that fucking weird
Ferris_Wheel_Skippy t1_ivkn5us wrote
>the 1978 WC was held in Argentina when an army dictatorship was in charge,
if I remember correctly, Cruyff bitched out at Dutch officials and the manager and used "political reasons" to boycott the 1978 World Cup
I think for years this is what people believed and it wasn't until after he died when people realized he boycotted because he threw a Roy Keane-esque tantrum
Ferris_Wheel_Skippy t1_ivkng8v wrote
yeah this is something people need to remember
when it comes to atrocities, yes every country has blood on its hands to a certain extent
that being said, that wasn't the only reason why picking Qatar was such a stupid choice. It's tiny as fuck, they've never had much of a World Cup history (if any at all) prior to 2022, and the worst part was the weather. I still can't believe there is a fuckign world cup in less than two weeks as opposed to it being played in the summer
alan01010101 t1_ivknzdq wrote
Why do you think soccer fans don’t like politics in the sports? I guess it could the case for all sports, but soccer seem to have that more than most sports.
Bendy_McBendyThumb t1_ivkocld wrote
I think like a good few crazy things in the US that they’re desensitised to, war and conflict are just another thing on that list. Consider the fact the US has almost perpetually been at war somewhere, with next to fuck all actual peacetime, it’s little surprise.
This isn’t to say other countries aren’t desensitised to certain things themselves. I’m from the UK, charity adverts are meaningless at this point if you ask me (not quite the same as war like, but it’s just a simple example). Water aid has been going on since like the 70’s, for example.
LloydDoyley t1_ivkp9mv wrote
I did not express any opinion on the matter, just that shit happens and people still go to these world cups and still watch them and still consume the content.
My only real gripe with it going to Qatar is that they don't have the infrastructure, don't even have an established league and are not a footballing nation.
LloydDoyley t1_ivkph05 wrote
Lol yeah. To be honest I don't think the players should be forced to have an opinion on this either.
[deleted] t1_ivkpj5o wrote
beanzinabox t1_ivksa7f wrote
I don't think facetious homophobes exist.. I think they're just incredibly not self aware
[deleted] t1_ivkxnah wrote
Cyhawkboy t1_ivl1ci2 wrote
The word you are looking for is sport-washing and that is exactly what Qatar is doing here. I’d argue Qatar has very little culture in the first place. A city- state built on oil reserves. In 3 months, after the World Cup is over, all that people will remember it’s that they hosted a World Cup and that’s all that matters to them despite the money spent and the lives lost.
LloydDoyley t1_ivl2qmr wrote
You've made the point all by yourself. People will remember it because they'll be watching it. At the end of the day not enough people care enough.
Thumbless6 t1_ivl3hm3 wrote
You’re 100% right, just learned I’ve been using facetious incorrectly 🤦♂️
Cyhawkboy t1_ivl43p8 wrote
I guess I fail to see the comparison between Qatar 2022 and England 1966. Entirely different is my point.
TappedIn2111 t1_ivl4p9t wrote
Surely that’s not even the top of the list of reasons to boot them.
ih8iditos t1_ivl4tzj wrote
I hope enough of us do it so that their viewership takes a hit.
PJTikoko t1_ivl5eol wrote
Sanctions also punish the poorest people in the country while not at all effecting the rich and powerful in any meaningful way but we still do it.
KnownDistribution903 t1_ivl62ta wrote
They will be booted out after first 3 games
LloydDoyley t1_ivl6niu wrote
Every country that's ever hosted any major event has used it to boost their profile on the world stage. Qatar is no different. And any country that has the resources to host such a tournament will always have gained much of their wealth by questionable means.
PJTikoko t1_ivl6z2a wrote
So Italians are the ones complaining.
Ansanm t1_ivlcusz wrote
And they’ve been screwing with Haiti’s government for decades. I won’t mention the economic blockades on other countries in the hemisphere. Then there’s Africom’s expansion into Africa (Thanks Obomber) and the resulting coups that were carried out by US trained African soldiers. But, most Americans view themselves as the best of humanity.
MatiasPalacios t1_ivldhas wrote
How is that related with the World Cup?
[deleted] t1_ivlk33j wrote
MelodicSalt9589 t1_ivlkbd3 wrote
If you were interested in Human right I can name 5-10 more teams participating which also have done this.
MelodicSalt9589 t1_ivlkqrv wrote
Someone tell them that Taliban was created by the US and don't forget the Iraq War and NATO bombings. But yeah that is fine
orangutanoz t1_ivlovda wrote
I would like to see a bunch of kids buzzing the Iranian players with drones wherever they go.
After_Reality_4175 t1_ivloxph wrote
But not over the humanitarian crisis theyre causing their own citizens?
BreezyWrigley t1_ivm4v9z wrote
It’s not, but neither is whatever this thing is that happened that people are supposedly saying justifies kicking them out of the World Cup. The Iranian government is supporting Russian war efforts with equipment, and people are claiming the team should be kicked out because of it… but the civilian population is in the middle of trying to purge their government of all the hardliner theocratic right-wingers that have been oppressing them for decades. Seems unfair to punish the people for the actions of their government that they are in the very process of trying to get rid of.
5exy-melon t1_ivo0usd wrote
What about France?
xhyzBOSS t1_ivoeabp wrote
i dont care. no1 wants to watch Iran.
Ferris_Wheel_Skippy t1_ivom9zr wrote
while you think Iran gives a shit? they played well enough to qualify...italy didn't. bottom line
i'm sorry if this bothers you but that's how this tournament works lol
xhyzBOSS t1_ivtgshk wrote
italy would win over iran a million times man
Ferris_Wheel_Skippy t1_ivth7l5 wrote
thank you for the amazing insight Captain Obvious
again...that's not how World Cup qualifying works lol
xhyzBOSS t1_ivthjei wrote
DUDE I KNOW HOW IT WORKS, still no1 wants to see iran play. dont bother answering now, also ur american u dont know sht. so stfu When i say it would be cool that italy would replace iran then u dont have to com "awwwww miiiimiiimiiii they r better miimiiimiii" BRO LIKE NO1 cares about that, middle eastern countries r boring 2 watch, its as simple as that. And italy is a household name with rich history, the european championship winners and has good players, i know they didnt qualify, still it would be cool since there was a tiny tiny possibility because Iran is a shitty ass country suppressing women and shipping wardrones to russia.
Ferris_Wheel_Skippy t1_ivthwku wrote
take a breath my man
[deleted] t1_ivha3fe wrote