[deleted] t1_iwgvck0 wrote
EnjoyerOfBeans t1_iwh04le wrote
It's not just women, it's also the very real slave labor.
The stadiums and infrastructure built for this event are all covered in blood of slaves working in insane conditions, many of whom unfortunately died in the process.
plazzman t1_iwh10id wrote
I think OP is talking about what's happening in Iran. But you're not wrong.
TheBigCore t1_iwh3hi6 wrote
> How some men in power can treat women this way is unacceptable.
In Iran's case, it's because "God" said so. /s
Foryourconsideration t1_iwh41tr wrote
At first I couldn't believe it. Quatari based Al Jazeera is doing a story about World Cup protests??? Say it ain't so! But then I realised they are talking about the Iran protests, not protets against Quatar itself, and it all made sense.
In all seriousnes, has anyone noticed how SOFT the typicaly HARD AJ news service is being when it comes to slave labour? I used to like AJ because they are tough on the west, but now Ive realised they're just like eveyrone else. Paid off, bought off, and silenced.
United-Student-1607 t1_iwh494c wrote
Same here. I won’t attend or support these.
[deleted] t1_iwh49i8 wrote
[deleted] t1_iwh53pe wrote
billybobbaconator t1_iwh66ao wrote
Weirdly Qatar is the only gulf state to have a passably good relationship with Iran
Bobbybigdumps t1_iwh7d9h wrote
There are so many deplorable humans and entities involved, it’s hard to keep track
Rabbit_Ruler t1_iwh7j89 wrote
Good for him! I wonder if anyone else has or will follow in his footsteps
xxtoejamfootballxx t1_iwhas75 wrote
I see this talking point parroted on here but it’s really not true. Al Jazeera has done tons of reporting on the issue for years:
This month:
Is there some concerted effort on Reddit to discredit Al Jazeera? I’m not even a big reader of theirs but baseless attacks on journalism with certain undertones rub me the wrong way.
Foryourconsideration t1_iwhbf7x wrote
Not a talking point. I'm just curious. Maybe I am being a bit facisious and being too hard on them because they are generally a very trusted news source. One of the best. Also, the reason I think they're being soft now is because there have been a lot of good changes when it comes to the migrant worker system. But honestly this month has been one good story after the next.
JimBeefLakeMonster t1_iwhbusr wrote
They have bias like every other news outlets but it’s still a decent source of information
[deleted] t1_iwhbx2s wrote
defroach84 t1_iwhcb6n wrote
Religion is a weird drug.
DJOldskool t1_iwhco3l wrote
As the most media savvy man in the world said. Al Jazeera is a highly accurate and fair news service for everything except Qatar
billybobbaconator t1_iwhfc1l wrote
*oil is a weird drug
defroach84 t1_iwhfiv9 wrote
They aren't friends with Iran due to oil.
billybobbaconator t1_iwhh291 wrote
Iran is Shiite and Qatar is a Wahhabi influenced Sunni state, so they aren’t friends due to religion. However they do share the world’s largest oil and gas field, which they cooperate to drill. In short, they are friendly because of petroleum, not religion.
[deleted] t1_iwhicxk wrote
throwaway481677 t1_iwhjpaa wrote
You realise that the difference between Islam in Iran and the islam in gulf states is huge? Shiite muslims especially after the first islamic civil war, would get along better with Jews and Christians than with Sunnites
[deleted] t1_iwhknsr wrote
[deleted] t1_iwhktmd wrote
[deleted] t1_iwhm0kj wrote
[deleted] t1_iwhm8uj wrote
Alternative_Art_528 t1_iwhmk6s wrote
For context, the islamist regime of Iran's oppression isn't and forced dress code isn't just about religion or men oppressing women. Forced hijab is the symbolic Berlin wall of the Iranian regime. If the regime lose the ability to control something as personal and simple as people's ability to choose their own clothes, then slowly or quickly enough all other oppression will likely unravel. That's why these protests in Iran aren't just for women's rights or anti forced hijab, they are anti regime to it's core and are comprised of people from all parts of society.
It is about power. It is not just gender apartheid that the Iranian regime enacts against its own people, it's also a wider picture of cultural apartheid aimed at erasing all Iranian culture in favour of forced islamism. There is a reason Iranians refer to their own regime as their own ISIS. They have routinely tried to destroy non Islamic heritage sites or ban secular ancient Persian traditions like nowruz and Persian religions like Zoroastrianism just to name a few examples or ban ethnic Persian names in schools.
Still, in the name of power, the Iranian islamist regime themselves don't even follow their own rules as most of the regime elite or their families live in the west freely off of stolen Iranian public money while they kill their people at home.
Khomeini's great granddaughter for example has often been photographed in full hijab and "modest" clothing within Iran, and then in miniskirts and dresses where she lives in Toronto. Same goes for many other regime actors of their families.
Khamanei himself has five properties in the UK and the former president Rouhani also has dual citizenship in the UK, despite it being part of the 'evil west' according to themselves. Plenty of regime elite nudes and adultery pics have recently been leaked from the likes of regime elite Beta Namjoo etc. Majid Rasooli is a regime cleric who demands harsh punishments for any Iranian breaking hijab or Islamic rules overall, while he drinks alcohol and parties in turkey and the uae with his wife while they both west shorts and t shirts. The head of the Basij Sisters arm of the morality police was receny photographed in Singapore getting handy with his non-hijab wearing side piece. Dariush Sajjadi a former political advisor to the Iranian regime also lives in Arizona US where he runs a pro regime propaganda network to criticize opponents of the forced hijab and overall regime while his daughter also flouts all of those same rules. There is also the National Iranian American Council (NIAC) which is just a blatant pro regime lobbying group that is somehow allowed to operate freely in the US according to Influence Watch reports like .
huge_jeans t1_iwhmtrn wrote
The acceptable Reddit answer is always "it's the Jews"
jwong728 t1_iwhngp1 wrote
>The acceptable Reddit answer is always "it's the Jews"
What kind of subreddits have you been on
Fearful_children t1_iwhnjxn wrote
Polymatter did a YouTube video about how AJ does their news coverage. Essentially they're usually been very critical when it comes to international news but soft on domestic news.
Kingpin_97 t1_iwhoabt wrote
Arminia Legende
defroach84 t1_iwhobhn wrote
Correct me if I'm wrong, I thought the royal family was a different sect than a majority of the population, also why the had an issue with UAE and Saudi a couple years back.
defroach84 t1_iwhp67x wrote
I realize that, I was thinking Qatar was from the same sect as Iran, which also was why they had major issues with Saudi and the UAE recently. Apparently I was wrong.
[deleted] t1_iwhr6ud wrote
throwaway481677 t1_iwhsmf1 wrote
Tbf if it was a Shiite state it would've never existed in the first place, Wahhabists from Saudia Arabia wouldn't have allowed it
supressthedepress t1_iwhsnao wrote
pexican t1_iwhv0ym wrote
You should make it a point to read the article before commenting.
funnytoenail t1_iwhvgo9 wrote
Thank you for elaborating on this
CaBBaGe_isLaND t1_iwhx00p wrote
I didn't even know they had football in Iran, I thought they were soccer people.
itsalonghotsummer t1_iwhxbyj wrote
This is huge and incredibly brave
[deleted] t1_iwhybij wrote
billybobbaconator t1_iwhz2t4 wrote
That’s Bahrain
Jlx_27 t1_iwhz6cf wrote
Not just that, pretty much the entire modern day middle east was built that way. This has been an issue for many years.
huge_jeans t1_iwi0coh wrote
mainky seeing it on the front page and default subs
defroach84 t1_iwi0vcx wrote
Considering I was born there, I would think I would know that.
billybobbaconator t1_iwi1rk8 wrote
The ruling Al khalifas are Sunni while the majority of the (native) population are Shia
[deleted] t1_iwi381y wrote
tenaciousHAWK t1_iwi66qw wrote
Same, but mostly because I can't afford it and it's boring
[deleted] t1_iwi6avb wrote
thehaddock15 t1_iwi77ir wrote
Power.. that’s the drug.
[deleted] t1_iwi956h wrote
mcfc_099 t1_iwi9pnz wrote
Why do the other states have dilemmas with Iran ?
billybobbaconator t1_iwiahn3 wrote
Saudi Arabia’s religious doctrine holds that Iran’s majority Shia sect are non-Muslim heretics. Also, the Gulf states supported Saddam Hussein during the Iran Iraq war and Iran supports Shia militias around the region that attack the allies of the Arab monarchies.
ZomboFc t1_iwiere3 wrote
Lol looks at religion
"I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. 13 qFor Adam was formed first, rthen Eve; 14 and Adam was not deceived, but sthe woman was deceived and became a transgressor. 15 Yet she will be saved through tchildbearing—if they continue in ufaith and love and holiness, with self-control."
Amen 🙏
Religion is a fucking joke
nicotamendi t1_iwifs5q wrote
Just to add context Ali Daei is our national hero, like Maradona or Beckham but for Iran where even people who don’t follow football easily recognize him
Bold stance, he already faces legal and physical punishment for speaking out against the regime. Not sure how many people would be that brave
ButtholeCandies t1_iwig9d7 wrote
This is what liberals in the USA and Europe have never understood. It’s not a choice. The hijab ban was progressive and tolerating the subjugation of women isn’t freedom.
OnyxGow t1_iwihip8 wrote
Steppyjim t1_iwiju2d wrote
I’m not watching the cup this year, which isn’t a lot but it’s my own little show of solidarity. I love this event and am sad it went this way, but fifa are awful people who are literally putting their athletes at risk in a hostile nation for many of them. Qatar is free to have its own laws, but fifa should’ve realized long ago they aren’t compatible with most of the word.
[deleted] t1_iwik3mg wrote
Vendetta_MD t1_iwikgb2 wrote
Who cares
confetti_corn_slut t1_iwil9j1 wrote
[deleted] t1_iwim2gk wrote
er1992 t1_iwio29y wrote
Might wanna read about Oman's relationship with Iran
[deleted] t1_iwioipn wrote
billybobbaconator t1_iwioy5o wrote
True, I always forget about Oman. But at least I’m not alone in that
izvin t1_iwirwpt wrote
The same liberals who will celebrate hijab and deny any possibility of misogyny arising from it are just comforted by the fact that it will never be forced upon them. Even outside of Iran which is one of the only countries beyond isis where it violently forced onto all women, in countries with less extreme laws it is often socially pressured onto women.
This point is quite relevant with the world cup since even with all of the outrage around Qatar you still don't see anyone speaking about the lack of women's rights as a human rights injustice there. Sharia law is just their culture and it would be islamaphobic to criticize it when it comes to women there, but watch how that rationale gets completely ignored when it's white gender queer liberals who want to party at a world cup stadium built with the blood of slave labour. There is nothing unreasonable about calling about human rights abuses for any group, if your moral stances are genuine you don't cherry pick them.
WickedYetiOfTheWest t1_iwis6tc wrote
Surely you realize that the Iranian government, which is a religious theocracy, is famously one the most conservative governments in the world lol.
jdbolick t1_iwiszrk wrote
Absolutely, but there has been a staggering level of denial from those groups regarding the nature and threat of the Iranian government. Reddit is complicit as well, as it has been infected with pro-Iranian propaganda for years.
The Iranian people themselves are young and progressive, so when the day finally comes that they get self-determination, I have very high hopes for Iran going from one of the worst regimes on the planet to one of the best influences in the region.
Luke-HW t1_iwit0wx wrote
You are a victim of misinformation
ButtholeCandies t1_iwit59g wrote
Yes, I'm Iranian.
That's why I support Hijab bans in western countries. I understand that it's not a choice and how foundational of a norm it is for the cultural subjugation of women.
TheBigCore t1_iwitm9v wrote
> Khamanei himself has five properties in the UK and the former president Rouhani also has dual citizenship in the UK, despite it being part of the 'evil west' according to themselves. Plenty of regime elite nudes and adultery pics have recently been leaked from the likes of regime elite Beta Namjoo etc. Majid Rasooli is a regime cleric who demands harsh punishments for any Iranian breaking hijab or Islamic rules overall, while he drinks alcohol and parties in turkey and the uae with his wife while they both west shorts and t shirts.
It's a classic example of Do as I say, not as I do, or in the case of the Mel Brooks movie History of the World, It's good to be the king.
[deleted] t1_iwiw80i wrote
FindorKotor93 t1_iwiztpq wrote
That last article is pro Qatar, framing it as an issue that has been addressed and including more criticism of those opposed to Qatar than Qatar.
Posting that as evidence AGAINST AJ's bias is straight up Goebellian propaganda.
PlzDmMe t1_iwj4k84 wrote
PlzDmMe t1_iwj4kel wrote
Power projection *
ksleepwalker t1_iwj76o5 wrote
Its also because in 2014 or so there was a spat b/w Saudi Arabia and Qatar, when Saudi diplomats were called back and flights to Saudi from Qatar closed. Iran and Saudi dont see eye to eye so the whole "the enemy of my enemy" thing works there.
mcfc_099 t1_iwj7isl wrote
So basically it is a Shia-Sunni dispute? What are the differences between Shia and Sunni and why is there such a divided between the two sects of Islam?
xxtoejamfootballxx t1_iwjaou8 wrote
The last article is not even remotely pro Qatar. It’s reporting on FIFA’s comments and giving context that doesn’t paint Qatar in a great light.
Some quotes:
> In February 2021, the Guardian newspaper reported that 6,500 migrant workers from India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka had died in the country since 2010, when Qatar was awarded the World Cup.
> Denmark recently announced its players would wear a “toned down” kit during the World Cup, with Danish manufacturer Hummel saying it “does not wish to be visible” at a tournament that “has cost thousands of lives”.
> The Australian national team recently released a video criticising Qatar for its human rights record and calling for the decriminalisation of same-sex relationships, which are strictly prohibited in Qatar.
I fail to see how this comes across as pro-Qatar
FindorKotor93 t1_iwjc5p4 wrote
Let's start with the title:
"FIFA urges World Cup teams to ‘focus on the football’ in Qatar"
And then we'll move onto the Qatari propaganda it presents without counter:
“The mortality rate among these communities is within the expected range for the size and demographics of the population.”
And then:
"Khaled al-Suwaidi, a senior member of Qatar’s World Cup organising committee, responded to Denmark’s announcement, saying the country has used the World Cup “as a catalyst to drive change” and has reformed its migrant worker laws.
And then: "She later said her remarks had been “misinterpreted“, adding, “It is important to support the country of Qatar in groundbreaking reforms.”"
The whole thing is back breaking apologetics for Qatar with negative quotes you highlighted it then tries to present as unreasonable with every line you just so happened to gloss over.
I'm sure your choice of not citing a single one of the apologetic lines was purely accidental and definitely not motivated by your agenda.
BadKneesBruce t1_iwjes1f wrote
That was incorrect info you got
colin_forreal t1_iwjkpg2 wrote
I would have to think the government doing something to him would be the last straw
[deleted] t1_iwjm0nw wrote
mustang__1 t1_iwjo6gq wrote
Thank you for this concise but detailed report
[deleted] t1_iwju3tt wrote
untouched_poet t1_iwjwpn2 wrote
I recommend anyone conflicted about watching the worldcup to find a backmarket streaming service.
2nameEgg t1_iwk0iuj wrote
Sounds like a good fuckin guy, I’m glad y’all have people like him
Derpwarrior1000 t1_iwk45pz wrote
Bruh how are you wrong about Qatar and your adjacent birth country
[deleted] t1_iwk46e5 wrote
123getonmyknees t1_iwk55hx wrote
r/newiran for updates on the revolution!
123getonmyknees t1_iwk5675 wrote
r/newiran for updates on the revolution!
Phunwithscissors t1_iwk5w0f wrote
Does he live in Iran?
Dezphul t1_iwk6j41 wrote
Oman has a robust diplomatic relationship with iran, not a friendly one
kjzavala t1_iwk6ome wrote
I am not 100% updated on this topic, but YES does it seem like Ali Daei is amazing for leading charge in a place where 9999999999% of the people in his world are against this.
5dwolf20 t1_iwk94qb wrote
Typical redditor
No-Mathematician8728 t1_iwkbv6f wrote
But don’t worry America changed their emblem in solidarity. Don’t you know how this is done Daei? Lol
b1gchampions t1_iwkc7lg wrote
It essentially all boils down to who was the rightful successor of prophet Muhammad. A classic tale of my guy is better than your guy.
[deleted] t1_iwkerbg wrote
[deleted] t1_iwkg3zt wrote
BlindOdin t1_iwkj0ha wrote
Yeah, i think the same
Almost-a-Killa t1_iwkj1j6 wrote
Please link pics so I can use them in my arguments 🙏
ghasedakx6 t1_iwkj8jc wrote
He lives on Iran
starless23 t1_iwkm5pz wrote
Exactly. The regime doesn't dare to do anything to someone this popular. They know the outrage it'd cause will be the end of them
Phunwithscissors t1_iwkmd6a wrote
sagitel t1_iwkqdqy wrote
There are big enough differences that sunnis see shiie as heretics and idolators and shiee see sunnis as lost and in need of guidance (but really heretics).
The conflict comes down to succession after muhammad. Sunnis believe abu bakir was the rightful heir, with Omar, uthman and ali following him as righteous kaliphs.
Shiee believe ali and his children (the exact children the believe to be heirs are different among sects) were the heirs and abu bakir, omar and uthman were all evil usurpers.
Now this seemingly small difference has created many bigger differences in laws and the way they conduct religious ceremonies.
WayAffectionate2328 t1_iwkspm6 wrote
Respect to Daei, it takes courage. My respect and support to the Iranian people as well. Stay strong!
defroach84 t1_iwl0g6f wrote
I was born there, but not from there.
lenchoreddit t1_iwl92qn wrote
Iran has football legends ??
Sfumatographer t1_iwlc5ra wrote
Yeah a real legend … who?
xxtoejamfootballxx t1_iwlqrub wrote
Yes…FIFA urges that, not Al Jazeera. That is what they are reporting on.
> And then we'll move onto the Qatari propaganda it presents without counter:
They are quoting the Qatar government on the issue. Common place to have a statement from an accused or relevant party in the article. It’s clearly stated that it’s the Qatari government stating that and not Al jazeera’s view.
The point is that the article is about a comment from fifa. It shows what led to the comment, criticisms of Qatar for a number of reasons, statements from criticized parties, and then contextual comments from the relevant parties. Then it includes clarifying comments from criticizing parties, which would be irresponsible not to include.
That’s called journalism.
ea_yassine t1_iwlusl5 wrote
At this point I won’t be surprised if they sentence him to death for treason.
echosixwhiskey t1_iwlzljo wrote
Ayyyyy Fonzie finger guns
[deleted] t1_iwmpnz2 wrote
FindorKotor93 t1_iwmxxr6 wrote
The point of the article is to openly engage in apologetics for Qatar. You knew that when you strategically chose your quotes and wilfully failed to see anything pro Qatar in that. Every single negative quote is framed with an excuse afterwards. The article is entirely written to present Qatari excuses to address criticisms. Each section ends pro Qatari.
xxtoejamfootballxx t1_iwnxk2i wrote
I strategically chose quotes? Lol I chose quotes that they wouldn’t have included in an article if it was meant to “pro Qatar”. I don’t have a strategy or a goal here, I’m simply engaging in the discussion and stating my beliefs.
There are pro-Qatar quotes in the article…from other people, like fifa, not from Al Jazeera themselves.
It’s called journalism. They are reporting on a relevant current event, presenting facts and quotes from both sides, including follow up quotes that clarified earlier quotes. What would you rather them put in the article about FIFAs comments?
I never said “Al Jazeera is anti-Qatar”. I said that they are reporting on the issue we’re talking about and that this article isn’t “pro-Qatar”. That is true regardless of how personally anti-Qatar anyone is.
[deleted] t1_iwpcjeh wrote
hecatonchires266 t1_iwgekm3 wrote
This I can support because of what's happening in that country. How some men in power can treat women this way is unacceptable.