chad4359 t1_iyjl5cw wrote
I think you're gonna need your shoe Floyd
[deleted] t1_iyjlgg9 wrote
[deleted] t1_iyjmpvg wrote
"police are willing to wait as long as it takes to talk him out"
Yeah, because he's a celebrity. If this was just your average black man accused of domestic abuse, they'd have busted the door down and gone in guns blazing by now. Probably would've managed to "accidentally" shoot some of his neighbors along the way.
Whoooyumyum t1_iyjncf4 wrote
Maybe complying with law enforcement may be helpful
bluestaples t1_iyjo5jk wrote
Wait, didn't this happen before?
[deleted] t1_iyjozo9 wrote
Ahh yes, because cops are so well known for their ability to be calm and reasonable. Just ask all the people who've had their loved ones killed by them.
[deleted] t1_iyjpk0x wrote
Tato7069 t1_iyjqbk0 wrote
That's not true at all... Guy in a house with guns, you wait it out. What a warped view of the world.
[deleted] t1_iyjrf0b wrote
No my friend, you don't wait it out. You call the SWAT team in. Unless of course you're dealing with a celebrity, then you wait it out as we see now.
brightladdy t1_iyjs7tc wrote
Lol that’s not how this works, friend. Try not to make such rash, anger-inducing assumptions about breaking news stories. You don’t know what’s going on, don’t be like this.
Yes, progress is needed in law-enforcement’s equal treatment, but that’s not the case here. Progress can only be made if chances to do the right thing are given.
LosingMyEdge7 t1_iyjsxgo wrote
Perhaps this comment would ring true if cops didn’t constantly enforce compliance where they have no legal authority to do so.
[deleted] t1_iyju2ef wrote
All cops are bastards, plain and simple. It's obvious to anyone with a couple brain cells to rub together that Antonio Brown is getting highly preferential treatment, and that if he wasn't such a well known celebrity that the situation would be resolved much more quickly and brutally.
[deleted] t1_iyjvyrc wrote
punchy-peaches t1_iyjw0kw wrote
I agree. Fuck cops. ACAB
maxwellcawfeehaus t1_iyjwhzc wrote
All cops are police
[deleted] t1_iyjwphd wrote
[deleted] t1_iyjx3mp wrote
[deleted] t1_iyjxtlh wrote
neverending_debt t1_iyjxy7h wrote
Antonio Brown and Kanye West name a more iconic duo of schizos.
Whoooyumyum t1_iyjy3pj wrote
That’s because her boyfriend shot a cop… instead of once again complying with the police about active warrants
ArcticFox59 t1_iyjy9fu wrote
That really hurt! I'm gonna have a lump there, you idiot.
monster-of-the-week t1_iyjy9me wrote
Mr. Barricaded Celebrity
[deleted] t1_iyjys2f wrote
[deleted] t1_iyjz2qf wrote
[deleted] t1_iyjzg0e wrote
[deleted] t1_iyjzpjg wrote
[deleted] t1_iyk17ys wrote
neverending_debt t1_iyk28zq wrote
That Burfict hit turned this man into a super villain.
[deleted] t1_iyk2hub wrote
[deleted] t1_iyk2sux wrote
[deleted] t1_iyk31g5 wrote
Putin__Nanny t1_iyk33kf wrote
Mr. Bullets a Coming
latenitehero t1_iyk4pm6 wrote
[deleted] t1_iyk50u7 wrote
[deleted] t1_iyk5ifk wrote
[deleted] t1_iyk5mcm wrote
[deleted] t1_iyk5pln wrote
kingcovey t1_iyk6r33 wrote
YungLazyBoi t1_iyk74xn wrote
Put That Shit Onnnnn
Tato7069 t1_iyk7g23 wrote
No... you don't. Why would you put a swat team in danger to kill someone, when the only negative outcome if you don't is that they kill themselves? You're just wrong
itsalonghotsummer t1_iyk7ig8 wrote
Fuck me. Something like that in rugby - late, vicious assault on head - would be a year long ban, if the perpetrator ever played again.
TheOnlyOneSon t1_iyk9db8 wrote
Mr. Bout to get clapped
LRonKoresh t1_iykarni wrote
It really did though, if I'm not mistaken he took another hit like that not long after the first
Oldtimer_2 t1_iykbq36 wrote
It's a battery case and violation of court oders... not murder. They're not going in with SWAT for that. The guys a fucking whack but not an imminent threat to anyone. Wait him out. He may get a moment of clarity
[deleted] t1_iykbt74 wrote
[deleted] t1_iykc6ku wrote
[deleted] t1_iykc974 wrote
Warlordnipple t1_iykcmp6 wrote
You call SWAT if you are worried about evidence being destroyed before you enter, like in the case of drugs. When you are arresting someone and they are only a danger to themselves you try to talk them down.
KanyeWestBrick t1_iykd030 wrote
captaincumsock69 t1_iykh503 wrote
He was already a nut job before hand
[deleted] t1_iyki11k wrote
Thoughtlessattimes t1_iykin5h wrote
What happened? What am I missing?
kingcovey t1_iykjeae wrote
he was always a comedian who thought he was glib, but noW it's different... it's like kanye after kim.
gmoney88 t1_iykkxrb wrote
I’ve said this for years. As a Steelers fan, AB was awesome and just did his job. After that hit, everything changed
[deleted] t1_iykloda wrote
l_Pulser_l t1_iykmtfy wrote
MickeyZvornik t1_iykpu4q wrote
Mr Blocking Cops
vanillagorilla_ t1_iykpxc5 wrote
Head trauma starts piling on well before players make it to the NFL. AB has been crazy, it’s why he went to a smaller school when he could’ve played for FSU. The Steelers were just able to keep him in check.
pass_nthru t1_iykqc90 wrote
he’s only an imminent threat if you’re in a hot tub with him
[deleted] t1_iykrmj6 wrote
Most_Original_Name t1_iykrnjl wrote
Was this in the same game?
Dubbdub t1_iyksm0d wrote
No. One is cbs the other is MNF.
stretcherjockey411 t1_iykswke wrote
Holy shit this meme never gets old lmao I love it
kegster2 t1_iykthti wrote
The guy who threw shoes at Bush Jr, just for starters.
ImperialSympathizer t1_iyku9zh wrote
They have been for some time, metaphorically speaking.
monster-of-the-week t1_iykuhcg wrote
Alex Jones and Kanye
neverending_debt t1_iykup6w wrote
Nah, Bro. Alex Jones was trying to calm kanye down. Even he was baffled by the insanity.
NerdLawyer55 t1_iykvw5t wrote
Mr. Bring Copter
[deleted] t1_iykwh0g wrote
[deleted] t1_iykwoqt wrote
[deleted] t1_iykx0on wrote
CrumbledTheCookies t1_iyky36m wrote
I read this as Antonio Banderas at first.
[deleted] t1_iyl1w6c wrote
rando08110 t1_iyl2mrz wrote
only one year from today this dude was legit feasting in the NFL too lol
BrokenManOfSamarkand t1_iyl2p9a wrote
Send in one of those murder bots I've been hearing about
FelineNavidad t1_iyl3em9 wrote
Why do you think it's unreasonable?
Seahawk715 t1_iyl4uje wrote
Keep piling on the guy asswipes. Dude needs help, not to get riddled with bullets.
[deleted] t1_iyl624b wrote
Samuel7899 t1_iyl6r3v wrote
Mr. Boundless Combinations
Czarchitect t1_iyl787k wrote
Mr. Basically Caught
HockeyMike34 t1_iyl7yhv wrote
Would be cool if the police just blasted him. I’m tired of hearing about him all the time.
[deleted] t1_iyl8pfx wrote
[deleted] t1_iyl9wk8 wrote
Youre_On_Balon t1_iylbqfh wrote
No he’d been kicked out of a school for assault among other things
MissAlice1234 t1_iylfgn0 wrote
Does anyone know if it’s possibly CTE and brain damage from some of the terrible head injuries he’s had in the past?
PlutoTheGod t1_iylh35p wrote
“My real problem is I have too big of an IQ” - Antonio Brown, real quote
[deleted] t1_iylh73n wrote
PlutoTheGod t1_iylhh65 wrote
Everyone says that so much that it’s become a thing, but that’s not really how CTE works. I’d say the real reason for it is 1) major ego & 2) he definitely has some sort of bipolar type mental illness going on that’s been left undiagnosed and dismissed for many years because of his football status but now it’s gotten to a point where it’s become a serious problem.
DavidHewlett t1_iyll57l wrote
Because Ye was saying the quiet parts loud.
Edit: people seem to assume I agree with this fruitcake. I don’t. But I do believe Ye is voicing the internalized opinions of every other GQP fruitcake out there. They’re not shocked at what he’s saying, they’re shocked he has the audacity to say what they’re thinking.
[deleted] t1_iym6hlt wrote
AtomicBlastCandy t1_iym7mhs wrote
Cops not breaking down his door is the smart decision. It is a misdemeanor not a felony.
Cichlidsaremyjam t1_iym9br4 wrote
I read the headline and sadly my brain said "Of course they are"
SafeToPost t1_iymfomm wrote
I mean, all of Chris Benoit’s friends and colleagues were singing his praises about the kind of loving family man he was until they learned he had murdered his family before killing himself.
Going from Diva to Psychopath doesn’t feel entirely out of the question for repeated brain damage.
[deleted] t1_iymgdrd wrote
Ramenwithacanoftuna t1_iymjccb wrote
Murk this wife beater alreadty!!
Naugrin27 t1_iymljs5 wrote
I dub thee, Mr Brilliant Comment.
silverfrog1 t1_iymodbm wrote
Mr. Bolted Closet
bare_grylls t1_iymp0nj wrote
Mr. Before Custody
bare_grylls t1_iympdx6 wrote
Mr. Badge Confronter
dray1214 t1_iympie4 wrote
This isn’t CTE smh
steveo3387 t1_iyms60b wrote
That's probably true, and that's not what CTE is like so many Redditors think. CTE can have the same outcome, but one big traumatic hit can change someone's personality.
[deleted] t1_iymucjd wrote
Bezosisnotaastronaut t1_iymuzus wrote
Maybe they should Call Ye, have him come down and talk AB down.
trident042 t1_iymwcxt wrote
For anyone who might be thinking about the phrase "Kanye after Kim" please remember "George Bush doesn't care about black people" was before a single Kardashian was known or famous. Some say Mike Meyers never stopped cringing, to this day.
[deleted] t1_iymwfdh wrote
Kryavan t1_iymxc2x wrote
I'm also pretty sure that all the studies done on CTE show there is a significant change in behavior after the injury.
reddideridoo t1_iymxsuz wrote
Mr. Big CTE
Binky390 t1_iyn4nok wrote
Let’s also not forget when he stormed the stage to interrupt Taylor Swift while she was receiving an award and say Beyoncé had the best album of all time. People really need to stop blaming Kim.
BMonad t1_iyn90z1 wrote
Wait, no, please, don’t…
United-Student-1607 t1_iynb60z wrote
Guys, this guy has brain damage.
trident042 t1_iynb94w wrote
Seriously. That one I figured went without saying, but yeah two of his most famous insanity pleas happened well before anyone knew who Kim was.
kingcovey t1_iyo4ri0 wrote
[deleted] t1_iyo56qw wrote
joan_wilder t1_iyplx6n wrote
Not a rugby guy, but doesn’t the lack of helmets generally prevent that? Can’t imagine someone getting a running start to a deliver a headbutt.
Edit: Nevermind. Just remembered Chris Benoit.
joan_wilder t1_iypm4yc wrote
He threw a shoe at her! And he threw her belongings out in the yard! He’s a violent maniac, and he must be stopped, dead or alive!
CochranVanRamstein t1_iysvdsx wrote
This man needs help
[deleted] t1_iyjhy36 wrote