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spencehammer t1_iz4v9qp wrote

This is one of the few things I actually respect about Philadelphians (and as a DMVer I know the feeling is mutual) but most people are blind fanatics for their team. People still cheer for Washington after we’ve sucked for 30 years. It blows their mind that a fan base might give actual feedback based on the team’s performance.


jarpio t1_iz4waxb wrote

Not every player can handle that either. People say we’re overly harsh or too tough but really, we’re not “tough” we just want to win and expect our players to want to win as badly as we do. We are more than accommodating in defeat, if the players effort is up to par. But guys that clearly don’t put in the work (like Ben Simmons) or guys that just don’t “get it” (like Carson Wentz) get chewed up and spit out here.

All we ask for from the guys getting paid millions is hard work and personal accountability. Players and teams that display those characteristics are usually beloved whether they win or lose, and usually teams that have those characteristics are generally more successful. So yeah, when they play poorly we voice our displeasure.