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thened t1_j5eyn77 wrote

Team sports trade injured players all the time. While she may not be injured, her body is certainly going to go through some trauma that will put her in the hospital and leave her with life-long issues.


[deleted] t1_j5eza1m wrote



thened t1_j5f0c6q wrote

Bone structure changing probably isn't the best thing for an athlete.


electricgotswitched t1_j5f296s wrote

We see professional athletes come back from pregnancy all the time.

You are making it sound like she is guaranteed to be washed as a basketball player when she returns.


thened t1_j5f2jxk wrote

No. Not at all. She was traded. Not banned from the sport.


1bentpushrod t1_j5f01mh wrote

Not true in the least.

You obviously aren’t a woman or a man who knows women who have had kids.


[deleted] t1_j5f1ro2 wrote



thegreatestajax t1_j5fkpej wrote

Why is it that every time someone on the internet starts with “so…” what follows is obviously bullshit?


1bentpushrod t1_j5ffw9t wrote

You win the gold in mental gymnastics, incel.


electricgotswitched t1_j5gfwcj wrote

I'm an incel because I haven't immediately dismissed her athletic abilities because she had/is having a baby?


1bentpushrod t1_j5gxbcg wrote

You win the gold and are an incel because you are an incel who can’t recognize that women can have lifelong issues from pregnancy that have no effect at all on their athletic ability.


wr3kt t1_j5f0dsd wrote

Absolutely false. Wtf.


[deleted] t1_j5f21qo wrote



wr3kt t1_j5f4mou wrote

That is a completely different statement than your previous comment. My wife didn’t have complications during pregnancy but she developed easily triggered nausea after being pregnant. She now has a higher risk of heart attack due to pre-eclampsia also from pregnancy. Again - totally fine pregnancy without any major complications.


electricgotswitched t1_j5f5nnr wrote

That sounds like a major complication. Again, OP indicated the trade was justified because it's a guarantee the player will develop health issues.


wr3kt t1_j5f77pu wrote

There are many, many major complications that are entirely common due to pregnancy. None are by choice and none guaranteed. The trade justification is bollocks as well but that wasn’t what I was responding to. The nausea my wife experiences would definitely cause havoc on the court though.