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FluidUnderstanding40 OP t1_j6q5qkg wrote

I understand the question might seem weird. I'm an asian person and asian hair is different than caucasian hair.


drsideburns t1_j6s1um1 wrote

I’ll be real, I didn’t even think of Asian hair needing different care than Caucasian. This is a learning experience!


blu3dice t1_j6rjmmm wrote

The app "All Things Diverse SGF" - has local Asian business and resources.


hkgan t1_j6trbtn wrote

I'm Asian too. I only get my hair done anytime my bf and I go visit his family in Chicago. So i hear you, OP.


Lukeyboy1589 t1_j6xzl1i wrote

I go to expo cut for my hair. I see Asian families in there all the time, I’m sure they’ll meet your needs.