
blu3dice t1_jdo3kiv wrote

>progressive company whose owners work to resolve inequality.

Landon McCarter prefers to blame his own employees for posting racially insensitive material to his personal Facebook page.

Social media controversy heats up Springfield school board race


blu3dice t1_jb6j22g wrote

If your back is hurting after a car accident, the last thing you need is your spine to be manipulated.

Follow up with PCP and ask for a referral if needed, or request an MRI if the pain persists. If you're experiencing muscle spasms, call a trained massage therapist.


blu3dice t1_jaicoq6 wrote

What conclusions are people getting wrong? That the vice president of the school board didn't show appropriate temperament given the circumstances? That, as Vice President she should be an example to the children of this district on how to behave appropriately?

Edit: and before you comment that I haven't read the story... this news is 4 days old and I've previously commented and criticized the Newsleader's headline as click bait.


blu3dice t1_jahyyz1 wrote

If there was a group of teenage boys discussing their mental health struggles and a school broad member interrupted to interject themselves into the conversation--- is that low-key harmless?

"See, boys, most of you don't experience mental health issues - just half. It was super important I interrupt because my observations are more important than your voice being heard and this space feeling safe. I know it feels very vulnerable to discuss this subject matter among your peers. But I couldn't help myself. Go ahead and proceed."

Is that not derailing? Is it appropriate behavior for an adult? Are those boys overreacting? Would they continue to feel safe to speak openly?


blu3dice t1_j9xvujc wrote

The article title seems purposefully inaccurate. The event wasn't about racial trauma. It was the Youth Empowerment Summit,

>an annual conference created to expose local high school students from historically under-represented groups to higher education options.

During the event, a mental health session was held and lead by Burrell. The kids were meditating and reflecting on trauma, including racial trauma.

I know the News-leader is a business, but they are fanning the flames of racial tensions locally. People will skim the headline and think their tax dollars are being used to teach or support CRT.

They wanna report and profit off these stories. The very least they could do is be self-aware enough to NOT continue the harm with inaccurate or inflammatory reporting.


blu3dice t1_j9ihwd7 wrote

Reply to comment by BrainMinimum7402 in HOA questions by [deleted]

Oh, yikes. Basically, the HOA can govern everything. My friend lives in one and got fined for one of those political signs in her front yard. It was just for the local school board election.


blu3dice t1_j6suqzd wrote

>Why do we accept people out there in heavy equipment who are unwilling to put in effort to increase our safety?

It's those actual government departments (transportation and police included) in charge of maintaining safe roads that every single winter storm is putting out public notices to SLOW down. That advice applies to everyone.


blu3dice t1_j6skpw8 wrote

>If this is happening repeatedly though, or if traffic is backed up behind you, that could be a lack of experience (and therefore skills and confidence)

Same thing could be said that experience is the reason why they are driving below the limit.

>I'm a 52 year old adult and the only other people doing this are 17 year old high school boys.

That's not the flex you think it is.