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Cthepo t1_j6s8fe6 wrote

Okay I got a specific request here. My wife and I are looking for another xbox playing couple who wants to start a Stardew Valley farm. We also play games like Borderlands, Sea of Theives, and Deep Rock Galactic. Hit me up if interested! We're pretty chill and like making friends with everyone.


trashchan333 t1_j6s9i2j wrote

Please don’t honk at me for driving slow when there is LITERAL ICE ON THE ROAD like are you fucking kidding me?!?! It’s always a huge pickup truck of course


WendyArmbuster t1_j6sfbkk wrote

It absolutely matters. If you are driving significantly slower than the rest of traffic, no matter the conditions, that's a problem. Yeah, if it's just one jerk in a truck who's driving 10 over the normal speed limit, that's just because they're a jerk. If this is happening repeatedly though, or if traffic is backed up behind you, that could be a lack of experience (and therefore skills and confidence) in driving in these conditions on your part. If that's the case, practice is the only solution. Parking lot practice turning out of fishtails, stopping by pumping the breaks, accelerating in low traction. All of these skills require practice, and although it may seem like I'm harping on you here, I'm not so much as I am most of Springfield drivers. Why am I the only person doing doughnuts in parking lots? Why is nobody else doing parking-brake fishtails repeatedly (in both directions) until I'm good at turning out of them? I'm a 52 year old adult and the only other people doing this are 17 year old high school boys. Good on them, but we can't complain about these conditions if we're not willing to practice getting better at driving in them.

Honking at people in these conditions is super low class though. Not acceptable.

edit: I'm sorry Springfield. I was wrong and I take it back. You're already doing a great job on the ice and snow, and practicing won't help anything. Your driving skills are what you were born with and there's no way to change them.


blu3dice t1_j6skpw8 wrote

>If this is happening repeatedly though, or if traffic is backed up behind you, that could be a lack of experience (and therefore skills and confidence)

Same thing could be said that experience is the reason why they are driving below the limit.

>I'm a 52 year old adult and the only other people doing this are 17 year old high school boys.

That's not the flex you think it is.


Altruistic-Trash7815 t1_j6so5hx wrote

Is being an Uber eats driver worth it in Springfield? I know door dash is not. Trying to figure out if Uber is before I waste my time in the cold today.


WendyArmbuster t1_j6soazo wrote

>That's not the flex you think it is.

Practicing to be competent at something isn't a flex. It's what we do to improve ourselves. We practice math with homework, or musical instruments, or art. Why is it so odd to practice to improve something we do so often, that's so important, and requires a high degree of skill? Why is practicing driving in poor conditions such an unreasonable, controversial idea? Why do we accept people out there in heavy equipment who are unwilling to put in effort to increase our safety?

The answer is that most people in Springfield (and probably all over the country) don't consider driving something that requires skill and attention. It's not something they do but rather something that allows them to get to the grocery store or work. It's why people look at their phones while they're driving. They don't place any importance on it. They don't value the skills it takes because they don't see it as a skilled activity. They just slow way down, because that's their only option, because they haven't put in the time to allow themselves any other options.


blu3dice t1_j6suqzd wrote

>Why do we accept people out there in heavy equipment who are unwilling to put in effort to increase our safety?

It's those actual government departments (transportation and police included) in charge of maintaining safe roads that every single winter storm is putting out public notices to SLOW down. That advice applies to everyone.


UhtredaerweII t1_j6syinp wrote

Lots of people have to drive, even if they're not top shelf drivers, like the elderly. And I'd say too that it may matter what equipment you have to drive. We can't all have great winter weather cars or tires, we've got what we've got. I think if there are icy conditions and you're an impatient and highly skilled driver, maybe leave a bit earlier and have some humanity. Some drive slow not because they don't have the skills or the equipment, but because there are very careless drivers out there that seem to not know that ice is slippery or that inertia plays a role. I almost got killed by such a jack wagon and I was driving very responsibly. If it's icy, let's give everyone a break, even ourselves. These lectures about icy conditions are for pros and amateurs should stay home are out of touch.


WendyArmbuster t1_j6sz3on wrote

I didn't say not to slow down. I hope I didn't imply that we shouldn't slow down. I'm just saying that if multiple people are honking at you and traffic is backing up behind you, that's probably unreasonably slow and the proper solution is not further speed reductions but rather increased skills.

Mostly though this is just a pebble in my shoe. It's not that big of a deal, but every year when we get weather like this most people are still unprepared for it in their driving skills, like they never expected to get winter weather again, and then they get on Reddit and complain that businesses are open and they have to go to work in these conditions and other people are out there driving like it's no big deal and it scares them.

On top of that, when you suggest to someone that their winter weather driving skills could use some improvement it's like you've just called them the worst person on the planet. People get so upset about it, which is probably because it's true. But it's true for everybody. Don't take it hard people, just get out there and practice in parking lots. It's fun!


trashchan333 t1_j6t1cbn wrote

Ok but I also never said traffic was backed up behind me dude, it’s was just one asshole. You clearly were just looking for the slightest excuse to tell the world that you’re a great driver and everybody else just needs to practice.


mysickfix t1_j6tcai7 wrote

Any predictions on this Springfield Cardinals press conference today???? Wonder if they have decided to leave.


Selethor7 t1_j6tfguj wrote

It's a name change for Hammons Field, likely someone signing on to get naming right, etc, maybe even field ownership. It isn't the team leaving, that much I can all but confirm.

I don't know who it is exactly but rumors are the first person you think of in town with that much money.

EDIT - City ownership of the stadium apparently, and a long-term deal with St. Louis to keep the team here.


Cthepo t1_j6v8xqe wrote

Heyo! I don't think Stardew is cross compatable unfortunately. We do sail a lot with one other person in sea of Theives but on occasion it's just the two of us. If you guys play it a lot I can shoot over my gamer tag. 😊 No worries if not.


AnnisBewbs t1_j708e8e wrote

Where in thee fuck can a bitch get her adderall prescription filled?!


WendyArmbuster t1_j7edsg7 wrote

because the pharmacy is out?

edit: try the pharmacies at medical facilities. Like Burrell and Smith Glenn and Cox North all have their own pharmacies, and they would probably be less likely to run out since they are not as heavily used as like CVS and Walgreens.