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CandyBoBandDandy t1_j6uoqj4 wrote

Utility prices have shot up in the past two years or so. I remember it starting when they had to do rolling blackouts


417SKCFAN t1_j6ur6ik wrote

Which were caused by a massive winter storm, utilities took massive losses, some in Texas went bankrupt over the costs. Basically we’ve retired so much coal as a region (and country) that when the gas supply got screwed up by freezing wells utilities had to run gas plants far more than expected at gas prices that were exponentially higher than expected.

Combine that with no sunshine for days and wind generation not helping much due to freezing, lack of wind, or grid congestion it was a perfect storm to lead significant change in operations. Except little was done, and we are more at risk today then we were then.


Elios000 t1_j6vmjim wrote

not sure why your down voted but this is correct. and its why we need more nuclear power in the US


cd0130735 OP t1_j6up5qm wrote

its like a monopoly. and internet providers are only a little bit more option.