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Magnolia_Me t1_j893vmg wrote

Please tell me this is satire and that you're not completely missing that it's Dec 19, 2024 abbreviated.


417SKCFAN t1_j898agx wrote


Magnolia_Me t1_j89949w wrote

Great, that's super awesome that people believe plastic water bottles existed over 100 years ago, considering the date it was bottled on is listed just above this date. Why on earth would I have any concerns over my community members voting to elect leaders who ultimately decide my right to access reproductive care? No worries here. /s


nate1275 t1_j89dvtp wrote

The date above it clearly says Dec 1922, duh


Magnolia_Me t1_j89edyf wrote

It was packaged Dec 19, 2022. SBJ SAVE MEEE


nate1275 t1_j89fix6 wrote

I didn’t think the /s was necessary along with the ‘duh’, but thanks for downvoting. Good luck with your sweet baby Jesus saving you from we savages. Let me know how that works out for you


Magnolia_Me t1_j89fy1w wrote

The sarcasm was necessary for me because I'm literally watching people refuse to accept information directly in front of them. I have the last 10 years of my existence given to overcoming misinformation and stigma. I use humor to cope. I never called anyone a savage, now. I just want people to use the resources available to them and make informed decisions. I guess I'm asking way too much of Springfield.


nate1275 t1_j89g6ky wrote

Well my point was if op couldn’t manage the best by date whatever makes you think he could work out the bottled date in the same format.


Magnolia_Me t1_j89g40o wrote

For clarity I downvoted because you're wrong. Not because you said duh to me. Lmao
