Submitted by nleachdev t3_1142b39 in springfieldMO
Curious if anyone within city limits raises backyard chickens. From what I saw (been a bit), no roosters, and 4 hens are allowed.
They also need to be taken care of (ensuring they aren't so loud, or smell so bad to affect neighbors, etc, and ofc don't get out)
Anyone thats done this in city limits and not shot themselves in the foot doing so?
Not in this for $ (will cost more than I save, I reckon), so not concerned about spending extra $ compared to hitting the store every week
MacAttack2015 t1_j8tsj9z wrote
Yes, per the Zoning Ordinance, you can keep six hens or fewer - no roosters - on a residential lot. If you live in an area with a HOA, check your covenants first (mine bans them outright
). Be sure whatever enclosure you keep them in is located to the side of or behind your house, not in front. If you have a coop for them, keep it a few feet off of your property lines to avoid angry neighbors (and because there are setbacks required, usually three feet for something accessory like that).