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blu3dice t1_j9i5tqq wrote

Reply to comment by BrainMinimum7402 in HOA questions by [deleted]

Just curious, did you know what a HOA was before buying the house? Like was it all explained to ya?


BrainMinimum7402 t1_j9i8klt wrote

We knew it was HOA, was it explained, no not at all. Literally on the paperwork it told us to reach out to the president via FB…nah


blu3dice t1_j9ihwd7 wrote

Oh, yikes. Basically, the HOA can govern everything. My friend lives in one and got fined for one of those political signs in her front yard. It was just for the local school board election.


HalfADozenOfAnother t1_j9k0s67 wrote

That was a failure on the part of your realtor. You should have been fully informed of the rules. You did sign them during closing