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trashchan333 t1_japd08t wrote

I’m hanging in there but i feel like literally one more thing going wrong in my life will push me over the edge lol


MenopausalMama t1_japduw0 wrote

I've been feeling this way for years now. That one more thing keeps happening and somehow I'm still here but I'm not at all happy about it.


Beavis2210 t1_jaxign7 wrote

Chiefs won the Super Bowl, so you’ve got that.


sourdoughbreadlover t1_japulpj wrote

I feel that way often. So far I haven't gone over the edge. The capacity that humans have is amazing. Self preservation or spite I don't know what it is anymore.

I used to think life was one thing after another and it's not. It's everything all at once. I cant handle that and I don't think we were meant too.

I just know my dog loves me and I'll be damned before I let her down.