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LeeOblivious t1_jdn9tsq wrote

They put ad's on gas pumps now? Does that make the gas cheaper? Glad I fuel up at Kum and Go as they do not. Also screw this guy and his backward stupidity. The more I hear from him the less I like him.


veryorangely t1_jdncxbu wrote

It's laughable how unqualified this dude is. Just an FYI Rob Wilson (CEO of Rapid Roberts) and Todd Wilson (COO of Rapid Roberts) have donated to his campaign. Don't agree with his views or simply don't like having political advertisements shoved down your throat at the pump? Take your dollars to Kum & Go, a much more progressive company whose owners work to resolve inequality.

Interview with Kum & Go President Tanner Krause:

Landon McCarter campaign contributions:

COO of Rapid Roberts Todd Wilson throwing a baby fit over Bucees CID in an extremely misleading article he wrote for NL.

I'm not employed by Kum & Go, Rapid Roberts, or any competitors. Just want to hopefully spread some knowledge!


LeeOblivious t1_jdnf9sb wrote

Glad I do not patronize those assclowns. Do they also have video slot machines in store? I've found that is another sign of a bad place to shop.

After I moved to my new house on the NW side of town a few years ago I used to use the local Phillips 66 a few blocks away. Then they got in video slots and the next thing I know I'm putting gas in and some dude in a store uniform is smoking cigarettes with a pistol on his hip emptying the trash at the gas pumps. Never been back.


MacAttack2015 OP t1_jdnfk6a wrote

I’ve never gone into the convenience store myself, I avoid doing so at all costs lol. I won’t be going back anyway now that I know more about them as a company.

And BIG yikes. Can easily say I would have had the same reaction.


BetterMakeAnAccount t1_jdnmis1 wrote

I don’t go to Rapid Roberts anymore because of these. Which sucks since it’s so close to my house, but I’ll drive down the road to not get ads forced on me.


WendyArmbuster t1_jdnx5qy wrote

Great Stuff spray foam in the slots to the speakers works just as well, and more permanently.


arbitrarytrombone t1_jdo2sws wrote

The rapid roberts by where I live just updated to these signs. I will be pushing some buttons tonight.


mysickfix t1_jdo5x0x wrote

I’ve tried all the buttons at battlefield and golden, none will mute.


tomassean t1_jdoh89h wrote

Why would you continue to shop there, not that Kum n Go or Casey's are better, but at least I do not get ads shoved down my throat.


EcoAffinity t1_jdongyz wrote

And Steve Makoski (on the SPS school board already) works for Rapid Robert's too: "Steve is the Director of Compliance for Rapid Robert’s, Inc. where he oversees multiple departments and operations."

I use Costco for fuel, but KG or Casey's are my 2nd and 3rd options depending on location. Rapid Robert's obviously has an agenda they're pushing in our schools, wild.


TheFirstZigloo t1_jdoo7sr wrote

DUUUUUDE! I was literally just there and was wondering how I could escape the hell that was besieging my ears from those ads.


Gingersnap5322 t1_jdopf3y wrote

Had to do a double take when I saw the new big screens


ShroomHex t1_jdosq74 wrote

Their head of HR at Rapid Roberts, Stephen Makoski, tried to run for the school board himself but thank fuck he lost. ( EDIT: Apparently he won the race, as stated by another user. I'll leave my comment as it was though, to keep all the context.) I wouldn't be surprised if he's making the company more politically involved, whether it be for the money or political power. The reason I'm glad he lost the race is because he's a religious nut job that also gives a lecture against young people during the Rapid Roberts training class. Imagine what a Christian man who hates kids could do with the power of a school board, now realize that's happening all over the country and even the globe! Christian dominionism is becoming more wide spread in the United States and it's frightening to see. Whether or not the guy in the ad is part of that movement, I do not know. Just figured I would share what knowledge I have on this matter!

(I worked inside the Inventory department for Rapid Roberts for 2 years and worked closely with Steve Makoski, that's my source.)


python_boot t1_jdouuuv wrote

I was quite annoyed that I couldn't mute the second ad.


malevolentk t1_jdoy5v8 wrote

They also donated to Chad Rollins, Steve Makoski and Kelly Byrne

They are trying to turn the school board more conservative


Wyldfire2112 t1_jdpw2gw wrote

Vote with your wallet. Go to Kum'n'Go, where they don't do this shit.


ifollowmyself t1_jdq12jp wrote

The only vandalism I employ is writing MUTE with sharpie on these things when I find them.


Advanced_Car1599 t1_jdqjy1r wrote

To be honest, I am tired of being screamed at by fuel pumps in general. I just want to pump gas in peace. WHY ARE THEY SO LOUD?!?!


LeeOblivious t1_jdqur67 wrote

This being the United States, it is clearly his right to be a total jackass. Just as it is my right to not patronize such businesses. I have the right to not do business with places that allow employees to smoke and release their noxious fumes next to me as I dispense highly flammable substances. They have a right to slowly kill themselves as they cosplay as some kind of miltac operator to make up for their small dick size.

There is a time and place for nearly everything. At a gas pump serving the public was NOT a time to be smoking or openly displaying weaponry. There is a reason I do not open carry mine. And it is because I'm not an assclown ammosexual who gets his dick confused with his firearm(s).


Ok_Magazine_1037 t1_jdvh21f wrote

Landon McCarter is an idiot. Has been since our Kickapoo high school days. His friend Kelly Byrnes isn’t any better. They were rich spoiled babies then and are the same as adults now only more entitled if that’s possible.


SomethingClever2022 t1_jdvyxfi wrote

Side Rapid Roberts supported Wackjob Makowski, I refuse to give them a dime.


Astralczar t1_je2ylzz wrote

I worked for Rapid Robert's for like three weeks. Not inventory but behind the counter. That training class is fucking mind numbing. I was ready to give myself a TBI on that table just to spice up my day a bit.

No visible tattoos. No piercings. You will wear the company outfit exactly right or get sent home. If you lose the uniforms, it costs you like $300 for a new set. Hiring manager said he took one look at me and knew I would be a good fit. Then rambled about the art and science of convenience store work for half an hour. Who else was a good fit? Bunch of other white dudes.

They were so understaffed that homeless people would offer to clean and do trash duty for expired food and they fucking rolled with it.

I opened the company handbook and it says "Welcome to the most progressive c-store franchise in the Midwest."