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Holyfirebomb_7 t1_jb65ju3 wrote

I’ve always liked Cherokee Firearms. They have a pretty good selection and a nice range


SCORPIONfromMK t1_jb6pyid wrote

Buy a lower from Cherokee and build one yourself, much more fun that way.


LeeOblivious t1_jb63lh6 wrote

Depends on how you define good, and what you are looking to buy.


mungermoss245 OP t1_jb63spe wrote

An AR-style rifle


LeeOblivious t1_jb668nh wrote

So boring standard stuff. Pick a shop, any of them. They will all have something like that because they sell well to the unwashed masses.

Cherrokee or Eagle would be my first picks for those.


HD_Customs t1_jb68jk2 wrote

Eagle Armory off of east chestnut hands down


FatalPenguins t1_jb9ivvg wrote

Cherokee firearms for me. They have new people everytime I go in so I can't really comment on the people. They've always been nice and answers all my questions. They are slightly up priced but not by much. If you want a way better selection but they'd be online (transfer): Sportsman's Warehouse.


AnicetusMax t1_jb65zus wrote

Eagle Armory on east Chestnut.


Rough-Dust-3926 t1_jb95bnh wrote

Elite Arms Co on Campbell is great

Whatever you do, don't go to Anchor Tactical. An employee flagged me with a loaded firearm many times the last time I was there.


Missourian417 t1_jb7rr54 wrote

I suggest 417 Guns off of S Campbell. When I built my AR I was able to get every part I need from them and they were very helpful making sure I got everything I needed and didn’t feel like they were trying to push my budget. I’ve had nothing but good experiences with them


Saltpork545 t1_jb80mf0 wrote

I tend to buy online. I like transfers through Armed Sources Pawn & Gun, J&S Pawn and Gun, or Eagle Pawn and Jewelry.

Armed Sources is a nice guy, J&S has been around forever and is a generational business(the current owner is the previous owners son, who picked it up after he passed) and Eagle Pawn is just close.

Since you're looking for an AR, there's a lot of options and basically any gun store that isn't pure fudd will be able to meet your needs.

Do you know what kind of AR you want or how you want to build it out?


CrazyUncleCharlieBoy t1_jbc48tr wrote

If you don’t mind driving to Clever, The Stockpile has a nice selection and great prices.


oliviashanks t1_jbkyved wrote

Anderson Gun Repair on W College is really good.


GundleFly t1_jb66l5d wrote

Notable mention: Deadeye Gun and Pawn in Sparta


Bright-Lion t1_jb6dnvk wrote

Or consider: fuck off?


mungermoss245 OP t1_jb6fxmd wrote

That was very rude. I hope you have a better day.


Bright-Lion t1_jb6i0pm wrote

Not to anybody looking to buy an AR. Nope. You are a bad person.


mungermoss245 OP t1_jb6jtuy wrote

Why does that make me a bad person?


Bright-Lion t1_jb6navc wrote

Because this country has an enormous gun violence problem and by continuing to buy guns for “hobby” or “sport,” you are telling us that your violent interests are more important than the lives of thousands of schoolchildren. Go to hell.


mungermoss245 OP t1_jb6nj05 wrote

Wanting to own a firearm does not make me a violent person


Bright-Lion t1_jb6ogco wrote

Yes it absolutely does. You glorify violence. This whole country does. You gonna put your AR on the wall and hang Christmas ornaments on it?


[deleted] t1_jb6utkw wrote

So self defense or sport shooting dont exist to you?


Bright-Lion t1_jb7kt8o wrote

Like I just said, putting a “hobby” like sport shooting over the lives of innocent people is morally repugnant. And no one is using an AR for self defense. Increasing the number of guns is not self defense; it’s escalation.


[deleted] t1_jb9l863 wrote

Im failing to see how owning a gun legally and responsibly is putting a hobby over innocent lives. You’re reaching hella hard😂


Bright-Lion t1_jb9scb9 wrote

The solution to gun violence is simple: get rid of the fucking guns. The problem is people whose “hobby” is simulated violence to make them feel strong will throw a hissy fit if they can’t shoot things. So we get to keep the guns and all the deaths they bring. Also more mass shootings are committed with legally owned guns than illegally owned ones. There is no such thing as responsible gun ownership. Imagine yourself at your worst. Do you trust yourself in your very worst moment with a weapon that could kill a dozen people before you were stopped? You shouldn’t. If you do, you are wrong.


[deleted] t1_jb9zu5l wrote

At my most pissed off the thought of grabbing my gun and killing someone has never entered my mind. My guns are to protect myself and my children against anyone who may wish to do any harm to us. If you have a problem with that then idk what to tell you. Look at certain illegal drugs for example, theyre illegal but they still get sold and consumed on a daily basis. The same would happen with firearms but worse. The law abiding citizens would be unarmed and at the mercy of armed criminals. Disarming the public has never lead to anything good and anti gun nuts like you are so rooted in fear you fail to see the facts or the outcome of the solutions you propose.


Bright-Lion t1_jba2c0e wrote

I hope that works out for you. Statistics suggest it won’t. It’s more likely one of those guns will be used on someone in your house, either accidentally or intentionally.


[deleted] t1_jba2nwc wrote

Maybe for people who dont know how to safely store or handle their weapons but i am not one of those people. Unloaded, locked up and out of reach never hurt anyone. Past that its negligence on your end and not a gun issue at all.


roadboundman t1_jbcowuo wrote

I will gladly give up my guns as soon as every criminal gives up theirs. And that includes the tyrannical government.


Bright-Lion t1_jbcu2t3 wrote

I’m all for taking guns out of the hands of the cops.


Saltpork545 t1_jb8c5jz wrote

So someone who has committed no acts of violence buying something they want to own is the reason for 'gun violence'. Uh huh.


Bright-Lion t1_jb8d2qk wrote

Yep. Buying something that is literally made for violence is an act of violence that puts the people around you at risk. You are complicit in the senseless murder of thousands.


Saltpork545 t1_jb8gcfe wrote

Cool. Good luck changing anyone's minds who actually owns a rifle designed before the pocket calculator. Really, go look it up.

If you drink alcohol, smoke, drive a vehicle or eat a burger, including veggie burgers, you are complicit in the senseless murder of thousands. That's how idiotic your whataboutism sounds.


Bright-Lion t1_jb9uoj1 wrote

Oh shit they were designed before pocket calculators? Well damn. I guess they can’t hurt anybody then. Nothing made before the 1970s can hurt people. This is a meaningless talking point.

I mean you are partially right. There is no ethical consumption under capitalism. All of those activities involve the coercive labor of others. And obviously driving comes with its own set of physical and environmental risks. And the meat industry is also a real problem, both for the treatment of animals and environmental problems. And actually it’s pretty bad for the treatment of workers too. So yeah. Any time we do any of those things, we should be thinking about who made the product we are consuming, whether they are being paid a living wage and treated fairly, and how we can safely engage in that activity to keep ourselves and the planet safe. But gun production is not like these in that the gun possess the direct (and in fact designed) capability to kill another person (many other people). Saying that we should be mindful of the harm of driving a car does not mean that we shouldn’t be mindful of the dangers of guns. That actually is whataboutism.


Saltpork545 t1_jbd6f3j wrote

> This is a meaningless talking point.

No, genius, you missed the point that these things have been around long enough to be C&R(that's curio and relic) weapons and there's legit millions of them that have been around since the 1960s. It's not that they can't be dangerous, it's that they're common. Keep up.

>There is no ethical consumption under capitalism. All of those activities involve the coercive labor of others.

This isn't your fucking poli sci class. My point on your whataboutism is that people who are doing behaviors that others do to excess, misuse, abuse or outright use for criminal purposes shouldn't deny the regular use for everyone else. You're accusing people you don't know for being "complicit in the senseless murder of thousands". That completely removes agency from people and it's borderline idiotic.

To say this another way: Did you prepare food today? Use a kitchen knife? You're complicit in the murder of millions going back to the first cases of bladed weapons and the death of humans. Monster. You have the bodies of dead children on your hands because you checks notes cut vegetables. That's the essence of your argument and why no one takes you seriously.

It is not the fault of a bar or a casual drinker that there are alcoholics who drive drunk and do unjust harm to others. The same holds true for guns. That's my point and you turned that into 'capitalism bad', then try to use the logical fallacy you used to accuse me of the same after completely missing the point, again.

You don't want to see the reality of firearms. A large majority of guns and gun owners don't kill anyone. Have fun holding signs and calling people murderers and wondering why they don't listen to you.


RollOutTheGuillotine t1_jbjsks3 wrote


I'm a leftist gun enthusiast and just... wut. I'm a minority and feel safer with a gun. I practice safety with it, train with it, and my kids don't even know it exists. It's stashed away in a safe and private location. But when I fear I might be hate crimed in a situation I like to have it on me, unloaded because nobody expects a trans person to be carrying a firearm and that alone could save my life. There are millions upon millions of guns in the US and, relatively speaking, very very very few are used for gun violence. Like a hundredths of one percent, if not fewer.

Yes. Gun violence is a problem. There should be reasonable protections. But overall gun bans are not the way.