Submitted by mungermoss245 t3_11k96xt in springfieldMO
[deleted] t1_jb9l863 wrote
Reply to comment by Bright-Lion in What are some good gun shops in town? by mungermoss245
Im failing to see how owning a gun legally and responsibly is putting a hobby over innocent lives. You’re reaching hella hard😂
Bright-Lion t1_jb9scb9 wrote
The solution to gun violence is simple: get rid of the fucking guns. The problem is people whose “hobby” is simulated violence to make them feel strong will throw a hissy fit if they can’t shoot things. So we get to keep the guns and all the deaths they bring. Also more mass shootings are committed with legally owned guns than illegally owned ones. There is no such thing as responsible gun ownership. Imagine yourself at your worst. Do you trust yourself in your very worst moment with a weapon that could kill a dozen people before you were stopped? You shouldn’t. If you do, you are wrong.
[deleted] t1_jb9zu5l wrote
At my most pissed off the thought of grabbing my gun and killing someone has never entered my mind. My guns are to protect myself and my children against anyone who may wish to do any harm to us. If you have a problem with that then idk what to tell you. Look at certain illegal drugs for example, theyre illegal but they still get sold and consumed on a daily basis. The same would happen with firearms but worse. The law abiding citizens would be unarmed and at the mercy of armed criminals. Disarming the public has never lead to anything good and anti gun nuts like you are so rooted in fear you fail to see the facts or the outcome of the solutions you propose.
Bright-Lion t1_jba2c0e wrote
I hope that works out for you. Statistics suggest it won’t. It’s more likely one of those guns will be used on someone in your house, either accidentally or intentionally.
[deleted] t1_jba2nwc wrote
Maybe for people who dont know how to safely store or handle their weapons but i am not one of those people. Unloaded, locked up and out of reach never hurt anyone. Past that its negligence on your end and not a gun issue at all.
Bright-Lion t1_jba30lp wrote
“…so rooted in fear you fail to see the facts…”
[deleted] t1_jba43z3 wrote
Have a good day bro😂
roadboundman t1_jbcowuo wrote
I will gladly give up my guns as soon as every criminal gives up theirs. And that includes the tyrannical government.
Bright-Lion t1_jbcu2t3 wrote
I’m all for taking guns out of the hands of the cops.
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