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LeeOblivious t1_jb6h4vu wrote

Avoid them. Quacks the lot of them. Anyone claiming that all illnesses are caused by spine misalignment and curable via spinal manipulation^(1) should be run out of town like the snake oil salesmen they are. Especially as it is a revealed religion sent to the founder from the other world by a dead physician^(2)

Look for an evidence-based medicine provider instead. There are a number of physical therapist in the area that do good work.




To name a few.

(1) Ernst, E (May 2008). "Chiropractic: a critical evaluation". Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 35 (5): 544–62

(2) D. D. Palmer's Religion of Chiropractic" – Letter from D. D. Palmer to P. W. Johnson, D.C., May 4, 1911


blu3dice t1_jb6j22g wrote

If your back is hurting after a car accident, the last thing you need is your spine to be manipulated.

Follow up with PCP and ask for a referral if needed, or request an MRI if the pain persists. If you're experiencing muscle spasms, call a trained massage therapist.


Aur3l1an0 t1_jb6ls1b wrote

My wife loves Loehr. I don't use Chiro much but they helped me once when I had a rib out. As others here are pointing out though, make sure Chiro is actually appropriate for your injuries.


Illustrious-Leave406 t1_jb7sdfg wrote

Nathan Fitzgerald at Neptune Chiropractric. He saved me from risky back surgery that the neurosurgeon said I had to have. He is extremely knowledgeable and will do what is right for you.


[deleted] OP t1_jb7t0fh wrote

Nooooo do not have a chiro touch you! Go to a MD/DO


coolrefreshingbepis t1_jb7uiob wrote

Go to a doctor and get a physical therapy referral. Having a chiropractor fucking around with your spine after a car accident is a recipe for disaster.