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the_honeyman t1_jbp3xaa wrote

My ex was roofied. I have a couple friends that have been as well, one a big dude. It's an entirely different sensation than just "being too drunk," and it happens way more often than people want to talk about.

Your comment is nothing more than victim-blaming, and your "disclaimer" at the beginning is disingenuous at best.


[deleted] OP t1_jbp4kxh wrote

That's a great story.


the_honeyman t1_jbp57gd wrote

And you're a great prick, it seems.


[deleted] OP t1_jbp667f wrote

I'm not the one using my friends terrible experience as some anecdote to win an argument with someone online for the sole purpose of stroking my ego, so I'd say we're about even.


the_honeyman t1_jbp714a wrote


No, you're the one trying to say my friends didn't get roofied and just drank too much. Who the fuck cares about "winning" arguments with such a clown take? You're just mad people see your nonsense for what it is.

You made a claim, I refuted it, with examples. That's how discourse works. Don't get your panties in a wad because people saw through your feeble attempt to make yourself look better.


[deleted] OP t1_jbp8bz1 wrote

>No, you're the one trying to say my friends didn't get roofied and just drank too much.

Please show me where I said this, or even implied it. Now you'll probably call me a concern troll for asking questions, because that is what you've been programmed to do from living in these bubbles this entire time.

So now you're accusing me of something I didn't do, to escalate the argument, to try and keep your high moral position to win the argument. You just keep fucking goin, as if you aren't motivated to just lash out like I am.

So why don't we just say to each other, "Fuck you and everything you care about." and just move on, ok?

Stop pretending this is something it's not, or that it's productive or that you're doing anything other than masturbating yourself.


the_honeyman t1_jbp9epg wrote

You implied it in the entire second half of your comment, but fair enough.

Fuck you and your victim blaming bullshit.


[deleted] OP t1_jbpb79z wrote



[deleted] OP t1_jbtocet wrote

One night I was out with a friend and a guy was really pushy about buying her a drink. She felt off about it and didn’t want to take it, but our male friend was like “waste booze? Hell nah.” Within an hour he was incoherent. It wasn’t black out drunk incoherent. It was we had to carry him inside our house incoherent. It’s just a different kind of look than black out drunk. And he didn’t drink that much. It was the beginning of the night. We had all ate dinner before going out.

It’s super victim blamey to take a story about folks getting drugged and being like “sure like they just didn’t drink a ton.” I even had a night, as a person who can really put away booze, that I just don’t remember and only had 3 doubles within 3 hours. That’s not a lot for me. I’m kinda fat. But my whole night was just gone and I woke up on my friends couch cause she took me home when I could no longer form words. She knew I hadn’t drank before so knew something was wrong. Thank god.


drsideburns t1_jbtqf5j wrote

Well I’m not trying to blame any victims, please don’t get the wrong impression. I’m just saying that there’s people who I don’t doubt were drugged, but there are people who I would be skeptical of if they made the same claim.

Again I’m not trying to say it doesn’t happen, and it didn’t happen to you or your friend.


[deleted] OP t1_jbtrk3g wrote

That’s kind of the issue. Why be skeptical? Who does it harm to take a person at face value for something like this?


drsideburns t1_jbttkag wrote

Couldn’t it potentially harm the people baselessly accused?

In one situation I am aware of, girl A gets blackout drunk at a friendly party and acts regrettably that night, and wants to tell others she was drugged that night. Should I believe that her friends were scummy? Or should I believe that the girl with the self admitted drinking problem maybe completely overdid it and isn’t a reliable witness?

There’s reasonable doubt for both sides of the story. I’m skeptical to believe she had been drugged.


[deleted] OP t1_jbtvcj4 wrote

Yeah this reeks of victim shaming. This is the same line of thinking of “should I believe she got assaulted or did she just regret it the next day?” Come on bro. Character defamation to discredit someone is victim shaming.


drsideburns t1_jbtwmdx wrote

And your posts reek of ignorance. I don’t buy your “believe ALL women” horseshit perpetual victims mentality that you are attempting to push on me. Fuck off with that immature nonsense kiddo. People lie, and I’m not going to buy into the bullshit you’re peddling.

I’m not and haven’t been victim blaming; I’m speaking on behalf of people who are attached to the real world and touch grass occasionally. Grow up kiddo.


[deleted] OP t1_jbtxttv wrote

Your mask slipped with that second sentence. You came to a post about folks getting roofied and played devils advocate. You brought up a woman having a drinking problem to say why she didn’t get roofied.

You are and have been victim blaming. No matter how many times you call me kiddo, that won’t change. Have a wonderful day.

Edit: have a day as pleasant as you. :)


drsideburns t1_jbu18sx wrote

I hope your day is nicer than you; nobody deserves a day that bad 😘