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queencityegger t1_jclntry wrote

Good job. I’m always taking stuff to the goodwill store. Let me know if you need anything.


PassingWithJennifer OP t1_jclv9pk wrote

TV by chance? I know a bit of a stretch but it's so quiet aside from the outside. I'll probably buy one next month so don't even worry about it.

Edit: I have a couch and bed i got for free but if I thinl of anything I'll let you know


scoop_booty t1_jcm0u39 wrote

PM me...I might have a lead on a TV for you.


PassingWithJennifer OP t1_jcm9kn6 wrote

I'll be super extremely broke for the next 3 weeks. I don't want to delve too much into my finances but I can't exactly afford to buy one today. I know good will sometimes has some older ones for cheap which is why I asked...


scoop_booty t1_jcme18t wrote

For some reason chat settings isn't letting me connect. I have one to give you. I'll be in Springfield in the morning. PM me so we can discuss delivery.


malevolentk t1_jcn0byl wrote

Keep me updated on needs too - I have too much crap and am happy to share