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MotherofaPickle t1_iqxazoq wrote

As someone who has lived here for 11 years, no, there really aren’t many.

What kind of food are you looking for? I would recommend Rama Thai for Thai, Bambinos for “Italian” or toasted ravs, Gilardi’s for “seasonal Italian”, Nicola’s for Italian better than Gilardi’s, Cafe Cusco for not-quite-Peruvian (they have a fair vegan/vegetarian menu), Greek Belly for Greek/vegetarian food (amazing falafel), SBC for beers and chicken tenders, and Cheddars for better chicken tenders.

Still haven’t found a good onion rings place since Cheddars stopped offering those.

ETA: Haruno for sushi. The only place in land-locked Springfield I actually trust their fish. It can get a bit large and saucy and flame-y, but if you stick to the simple stuff, it’s delicious and, so far, parasite free.

Second ETA: For Mexican: Los Garcias Michoacanos. They have two locations now, both on Sunshine. Took me over a decade to find Good Mexican and they are my favorite. Pro tip: if it’s a dude with a Latin accent taking your order, ask him what his favorite is. You cannot go wrong.


[deleted] OP t1_iqxdizo wrote

Any good Chinese restaurants?


LurkingOakleaf t1_ir0065s wrote

Triple 8s, use the menu by the register instead of the Americanized menu


petlove499 t1_iqxeiq1 wrote

I know this post is specifically about SGF, but the best onion rings in the 417 are at Pop’s Dari Dell in Reeds Spring. Literally ruined all other onion rings for me. Worth the 45 min drive south on 13