Submitted by t3_xuzou2 in springfieldMO

I just moved here today into a rental house. I changed my address on USPS and have all my mail being forwarded here from my previous address. I ordered something from Amazon that was supposed to show up today and USPS was the carrier. The package was marked undeliverable because the property is vacant. Is there someone I have to notify or does anybody have any ideas? Should I leave a note on the door?



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t1_iqyohx6 wrote

go to post office and let them know your at the property now. i had do this wile ago when i was renting at the towers


OP t1_iqypxwf wrote

Do you know how to find out which post office delivers to my address by any chance?


t1_iqyrb30 wrote

Each PO serves specific zip codes. What’s your zip?


OP t1_iqyrcwv wrote



t1_iqyrvdq wrote

S. Campbell by Harbor Freight Tools, I think, but I’ve always heard they don’t have a front-facing office like the others do. Someone may be able to give more info.


t1_iqzb7wv wrote

If you can meet the normal carrier or at least leave a note on the box saying “it was vacant but I moved In and my name is xx” would help. Carriers don’t want to deliver to drop houses but also don’t want to not deliver to real people.


OP t1_iqzdxph wrote

Ok, sounds like a plan. Forgive me tho, drop houses?


t1_ir25qp0 wrote

Unoccupied locations used for delivery of illegal goods. It's actually considered terrible opsec in the darkweb drugs community. Making calls and doing paperwork to get things delivered to an invalid address is suspicious. Having lots of traffic where you get your mail and don't sleep is suspicious. And warrants will come cheap and easy if it can be demonstrated that nobody actually lives there because legitimate residences have more legal protections. A good darkweb vendor will refuse to ship to an obvious dead drop. But bad opsec is unfortunately not uncommon.