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willardharrisupvotes t1_iuo6ita wrote

Reply to comment by StrongPlan3 in Possible 2024 Run by [deleted]

Sadly everyone gives the “if you vote for a third party, you’re wasting your vote” answer


StrongPlan3 t1_iuo7h8c wrote

Unfortunately, you are right. Which will keep us on the slow march, which I feel hastened recently, to either red or blue authoritarianism. People seem to advocate for the removal of their own freedoms as long as the party doing it is the right color. What they fail to realize is those regulations they advocated for will be weaponized against them the next cycle.


willardharrisupvotes t1_iuoqt7d wrote

The weaponizing has always been a thing. It would happen even if there was more than two parties.