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rbuck999_417 t1_iupkjs3 wrote

A couple of weeks ago I got a gallon of red diamond sweet tea from the kum&go on s Campbell and it was soured, returned it to the store and got another one and it was sour as well. I assumed the employees at kum&go left it out of the cooler too long


mcdrunkin t1_iuqu4de wrote

Never worked at Kum & Go but haven't worked another gas stations that had deliveries like that we never had to deal with putting in the cooler they delivered it directly to the cooler we just stocked it on the shelves


Fearon-Aris t1_iusj8af wrote

This is true. Worked at Kum and Go for a while. What happens is the same truck will deliver to multiple stores. Drinks and such will be put straight into the cooler. I believe the truck is refrigerated as well, but I never really experienced the truck itself.