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JorunnOili t1_iurkv75 wrote

Contact the company let them know there is a issue. It's not about getting coupons for tea you won't buy it's about letting them know they have problem. Perhaps they will correct it or won't. I do this anytime I discover a repeated problem. Some companies I can tell don't give a rip, but others do. Example called highland dairy about their shredded cheese packaging with zipper seals that always pulled away form the bag. They called me back asked me bunch of questions about times, batches, and places I bought it. They sent me some coupons, and thought nothing more of it. A few months later long after I forgot about it, the QA guy called me back and thanked me again they told me they discovered which machine/line was malfunctioning due my report. He also sent me more coupons. So some companies do actually give damn.


dacuzzin t1_iuszlmj wrote

My ex daddy in law broke a tooth on a fishing weight that somehow got inside a loaf of sliced bread. Sent a letter, the weight, and his receipts for the bread and broken tooth to the bread company. They sent him a new loaf of bread. In the mail. In an envelope. He took that as a big ol FU hahaha