Bitmush- t1_ivcmm95 wrote
Reply to comment by tmcgee417 in Springfield renters and landlords, what are your thoughts/opinions on how so many landlords/rental companies want potential tenants to have income that is equivalent to 3x monthly rent? by Snoo_84090
Because they're special flowers who won't or can't accept that there is risk involved in renting property to people. People who are entirely subject to the winds and whims of markets and recessions and downturns and crappy bosses and next to no security of employment or any assurances or mechanisms of keeping your head above water from one week to the next.
The landlords and hedge funders know how bleak and stacked against people it is out there, and they want to buffer themselves from it by gouging those people from the other side. Digging another tranche in the race to the bottom. More money for less security, from a shrinking pool of value and security. Grab, grab, grab, hand over fist, they'll take everything in sight, triple deposits, then sue to not repair damage that was there before you moved in. Rent up, and up, and up, service and quality, down, guarantees of safety and habitability, out the window, your dad's car towed away while he helps you move in. The whole thing is a shameful, rapacious scam, overseen by soulless deadeyed swines munching on the still-living corpses of the next round of people who've done nothing other than need a place to sleep or run from if there's a storm. Rot in hell, the whole lot of you, you'll have nothing soon enough and I'll laugh to see you picking around in the dumpster of the places you used to 'work at'.
jttIII t1_ivd09c9 wrote
Do you think landlords should just do it for a wash or a loss every month then?
Anima_EB t1_ivdyh8f wrote
I think they should invest in more moral prospects.
Fresca_667 t1_ivdz5uq wrote
What does that mean?
Wyldfire2112 t1_ive4ny2 wrote
It means they should do it for a wash or a loss every month.
Anima_EB t1_ivfdaj3 wrote
Nah I think they should just not do it period.
Fresca_667 t1_ivifatk wrote
So there shouldn’t be rental properties? Own your home or be homeless?
Anima_EB t1_ivii792 wrote
Yeah. Or at least 80%-90% less. Should have much more regulations. Maybe if that happened we have less slum lords plaguing springfield.
jttIII t1_ivf32kv wrote
Are you saying Profit itself is immoral or are you saying that the amount of profit pulled in on average from the average landlord/tenant relationship is immoral?
Kabosh668 t1_ivf9szm wrote
profiting off basic human needs always seemed immoral to me
Anima_EB t1_ivfd56p wrote
As Kabosh said. I don't believe things such as farming to be amoral or anything. Farming is very hard work and very very rarely are they taking advantage of people's needs. Landlording however is easier than ever with the constant usage of property managers etc. Buying tons of land from out of state or country just to profit off the local of wherever your property resides. Driving prices upwards to the point of being unachievable for many.
jttIII t1_ivftk0b wrote
and this is a good faith question, Why should I NOT take a profit if I am taking on all the risk of buying a property and filling it with someone who doesn't have the risk associated with owning a housing asset?
I mean a fair amount of people rent as a stepping stone to ownership but many rent precisely because they don't want to assume the risks and responsibilities associated with home ownership.
Anima_EB t1_ivgcqgk wrote
I understand. From a practical stand point that's the only reason to invest, with any investment comes an amount of risk. It's not that I want people to pay the way for others, I work 60 hours a week and have two skill sets. I also own my own home, but when your profit is levied against the lives of your neighbors it's not super cool. If neighbor Joe is having extreme hardship you have to choose between your investment or helping your fellow man.
Some people choose to help Joe. But overall the perspective is "nothing personal it's just business." To Joe it's his life and very personal. I also accept some people choose to rent. I purposefully included "90% of landlords." It's inevitable some of them provide a service to that small subsection of people who want to rent or choose to help Joe. But as you stated the vast majority of people want to own.
Foreign and local investors swooping in and buying properties for 70k over asking price skews the market constantly. Many millennial and those of younger generation are going to have a steeper incline to climb to get to the same spot as somebody who was in a position to invest in bloodsucking at an earlier time.
jttIII t1_ivgf70m wrote
First and foremost, I'll lay my ignorance on the table as I'm nothing more than an armchair economist... more educated than most on the subject but nowhere near an expert.
You'll also get little argument from me that large foreign ownership of US properties presents a whole host of challenges from a market security and even national security lens... IE if I was China and wanted to play the long game and had the capital I'd absolutely inflate the assets that are housing then attack currency to create a recession where people lose jobs and cant pay for the inflated asset then cascading to a depression. tin foil hat...
I genuinely do feel for people who are stuck renting. I bought in 2014 and my mortgage today on a 3 br 2 ba house couldn't pay for an unfurnished studio in most cases.
So what's your suggestion?
Anima_EB t1_ivhz11i wrote
I wouldn't be surprised China would be doing things like this. Especially given the financial situation between the U.S and China at the moment. They've also admitted to taking their salami slicing warfare tactic to the extreme in this way. Confucius Academys in college were under attack (still are and rightfully so) for spreading Chinese propaganda under the guise of raising awareness of their culture.
Anyway sorry for ranting. I'm not actually seeing a question in your response. What would my suggestion be to invest in outside of real estate?
jttIII t1_ivi2hlc wrote
What would your suggestion be in regards to the tension currently between pragmatic landlords who had the capital and risk tolerance to buy real estate and rent their properties for what the market will bear and their prospective tenants that you believe are being overpriced?
tmcgee417 t1_ivcmuuq wrote
Who pissed in your Cheerios?
dannyjbixby t1_ivdcapc wrote
Lord…you ok there bud?
jttIII t1_ivd0jh0 wrote
lol... of flipping course you follow reddit "antiwork"
good luck when your economic catastrophic wet dream occurs and you still have no valuable skills to any meaningful community.
You're poison.
Bitmush- t1_ivd81nc wrote
You sound exactly like everyone else you hope you look like, Chad.
jttIII t1_ivd8s8k wrote
PinchePoderes t1_ivdfbfd wrote
Pretty much 90% of reddit is socialists. Idk why I’m on it anymore.
jttIII t1_ivdk8wn wrote
They're all pizza cutters man... all edge and no point.
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