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pexelto t1_iviolrg wrote

Reply to comment by DIzlexic in CRT and Amendment 3 by AttorneyTime4601

Right, so you did your due diligence and actually looked into it and formed an opinion. The T in CRT stands for "theory", so you're allowed to disagree with it.

But, listen to any political commercial on TV in Missouri. "Democrats want to teach your kids that white people are all evil and racist, just by being born white."

It never had anything to do with that, it was always an elective college-level course around race relations, and it's actually pretty interesting.

I'm just saying that the Great Replacement has become the tool of the day, as stupid as it is, but it works to scare people.


Wyldfire2112 t1_ivj4lox wrote

>But, listen to any political commercial on TV in Missouri. "Democrats want to teach your kids that white people are all evil and racist, just by being born white."

Let me start off by saying I'm very much voting Democrat, and writing in where the only option is a Republican... but this isn't 100% out of thin air.

There are extremist factions within any movement that always push things past the point of sensibility, which the opposition will then hold up as representative of the entire movement in order to demonize and discredit them.

Just like you have radfems that go beyond gender equality into active misandry, you have black supremacists that are using racial equality as a smokescreen for their own racism.


AttorneyTime4601 OP t1_ivjhzrg wrote

I don’t get this logic. The issue at hand is basically whether or not to teach kids that racism happened. It did happen a few times here and there in the past few hundred years. Pretty undeniable. To be afraid that extremists would take over the curriculum makes sense but the only threat in this situation is the white ones. They’re the ones actually proposing an alternate history in classrooms.


MaltedMouseBalls t1_ivjuy8l wrote

My 72 y/o mother sees my 5 y/o nephew playing peacefully with a black kid and asks me " why do they even have to teach kids about racism at all? Kids are inherently not racist". Because mom, 5 year old children have no fucking idea what's happening on any level...

It doesn't have anything to do with actual CRT at all. They ignorantly believe racism exists solely because kids are taught that it used to be waaaay worse, as though it can't exist in a vacuum and that there's no way any existing framework could support racism at all...


Wyldfire2112 t1_ivkx7r4 wrote

I'm not arguing in favor of these idiots trying to 1984 the history books. I'm just saying there are already people who think whites are evil for being white, which is as much an overreaction as this is.

In 2020, during the height of the protests, black rights advocates pushed hard to redefine racism, with their new definition essentially making it so only white people could be racist because it defines systemic racism as the only possible form of racism.

The pressure was great enough it was officially added as an additional definition, but I constantly meet people who think it's the only definition.

We absolutely need to teach kids about racism... but we need more effort to teach that anyone can be racist, not just that it's a thing white people do to black people.


red_baa_ron t1_ivl1j7h wrote

Systemic racism is based on who controls the systems that are built to intentionally or unintentionally repress an ethnic group. That doesn't mean only whites are racist. It just happens to be our reality.


Wyldfire2112 t1_ivl45cm wrote

It also doesn't mean individual-scale racism ceases to exist, or that black people are incapable of it, which is a disappointingly common sentiment.


red_baa_ron t1_ivl4wmh wrote

Maybe, but it's also not the point. The point is by focusing on large systems those interactions become less and less frequent due to large scale true integration and equity.

It's like how huge systemic changes in several industries are the only thing that will mitigate the risks of global warming crises. One guy's smelly pickup is not the problem. His pickup is just a consequence of the system that produced it.


Wyldfire2112 t1_ivl9tr0 wrote

Comparing equality to the environment is a false equivalence.

People can discriminate and be discriminated against at the same time, and things only become less common when properly addressed.

Focusing the narrative solely on the evils of whites and men while glossing over the sexism of women and the racism of PoC, which is the current environment, doesn't create integration or equity. It just creates pushback from people who feel unjustly persecuted.


red_baa_ron t1_ivlb5u0 wrote

It's a metaphor for how to address a large scale problem on a large scale. No one is saying individuals can't act with individualized racially motivated actions. I told you the point behind the shift in focus, which is what most people who are doing the work believe IS properly addressing the problem. So your opinion on terminology isn't really up to speed yet.

No one here is disagreeing with you on the fact that there are overly extreme messages like the "evils of whites" narrative, but you're conflating that with good progress because you don't want to shift your understanding.


Wyldfire2112 t1_ivldyh1 wrote

>No one is saying individuals can't act with individualized racially motivated actions.

That's not the same thing as claiming nobody says black people can't be racist.

In fact, the way you squirm and wriggle to use a term other than racism to describe blacks being racist just reinforces my point about the narrative being racism is a white thing.

Want to prove me wrong, then humor me. Actually say/type "Black people can be racist."

No prevarication, no qualifications, no dancing around the terminology, no backpedaling immediately afterwards. Just state clearly and simply that you acknowledge black people are capable of racism.

Because I bet you won't, and are going to try to deflect it on to me being "behind" just like you're doing now.

EDIT: Also, your pollution metaphor comes out as "get rid of the sources of pollution = get rid of white people," which is why I'm saying it's a false equivalence.


red_baa_ron t1_ivlpqhh wrote

You want to bait me and others into an argument that Black people can be racist. Why? Because you have received or seen some vitriol from Black people? Do you think retaliation by Black people against a culture partly created from Black slavery is racism?

Racial bias and racism are not the same. You're looking for a false equivalency, there it is.


Wyldfire2112 t1_ivmiolf wrote

Called it!

Racism is treating someone differently based on their race. That is the legal, practical, and dictionary definition. No more, no less.

The "racial bias" bullshit you're peddling is a double standard trying to move the goal posts so that racism is a white-only phenomenon and black racists get their racism soft-sold.


red_baa_ron t1_ivmjamw wrote

You should also look up the definition of confirmation bias.


AttorneyTime4601 OP t1_ivlteja wrote

Weird hill to die on. ‘If we stop oppressing people they might try to oppress us like we did to them for several hundred years’ is pretty weak. That’s not a real concern that is comparable to any real issue at hand. Killmonger was a fictional character.


Wyldfire2112 t1_ivmk9p4 wrote

>‘If we stop oppressing people they might try to oppress us like we did to them for several hundred years’ is pretty weak.

Dude, work on your reading comprehension, because that's not what I'm saying.

I'm saying that it's possible to oppress someone while being oppressed at the same time, and black people routinely get away with saying shit that would get a white person lynched because any time someone tries to bring up black racism they get shouted down.

>Killmonger was a fictional character.

And yet he represents a trend I've seen developing since well before Black Panther was released. If you're going to claim he didn't have a basis in shit that actually gets said, you're either lying or hopelessly naive.


red_baa_ron t1_ivmu8o7 wrote

Keep on trying to argue the merits of "black on white racism", or perhaps you prefer the phrase "reverse racism". Ask a black person working on diversity, equity, and inclusion in this town and see what they say about it.

You claim to vote all Democrat, but I've literally had this same conversation with staunch Fox News and Qanon conservatives. The difference is they weren't pretending to care, they were obvious about it.

Further reading:


Wyldfire2112 t1_ivn8csj wrote

No, I wouldn't prefer the term "reverse racism," because that implies the natural order of racism is whites being racist against blacks. Which is fucking racist.

Also, nice job at deciding that I'm a racist qtard just because I'm not completely guzzling the kool-aid and pretending "racial bias" is somehow not racism with a prettier name to downplay it.


red_baa_ron t1_ivnbxqg wrote

If only the town knew what a hidden gem they have here, a true scholar of racism and race relations. I suppose the actual people doing real work in this field don't matter to you. After all, this conversation is just an attempt for you to try and insert your will on what you think about the terminology, not to learn something or contribute anything of value. All while completely distracting from the important points. Score one for anti-racism.

You'd certainly find any number of bigots here who would share your opinion. That alone should give you pause.

Good luck to you on your journey, I'm done trying to help you.


Wyldfire2112 t1_ivnfryn wrote

Being done implies you were ever interested in helping me to begin with.

You being completely unwilling to admit black people are even capable of racism and accusing me of being racist for daring to hold them to the same standards as white people is hilariously hypocritical.

You also have no idea of my background, the reading I've done, or the personal connections I have but, sure, go ahead and write me off as ignorant because it makes you feel better.


AttorneyTime4601 OP t1_ivn4czm wrote

Get away with saying things? People say things all the time. You’re getting away with saying some real dumb shit right now. Things were actually DONE to black and brown folks for a long time. You wanna police what they can SAY about it? You’re obviously trying to keep them in a certain position. The opposition to their ideas continues to say things and do things to oppress them. You included.


Wyldfire2112 t1_ivn9fqu wrote

From the way you and the other dude are jumping down my throat, I'm not getting away with shit.

You're trying to shout me down and silence me for disagreeing with the party line, and I'm not letting you.


AttorneyTime4601 OP t1_ivofut8 wrote

I can see now that you make no sense and are afraid of black people


Wyldfire2112 t1_ivpspux wrote

The fact you think me daring to say black people are as capable of racism as white people means I'm afraid of black people is hilarious.

So is the fact you can't grasp just how much you're acting like the oppressor you claim I am.


Born2fayl t1_ivn1g2a wrote

There will always be extremists. It is crazy to point to them when explaining why mainstream opposition gets so crazy. If the standard is “We can’t have our way until there are no extremists that partially agree with us.” Nothing will get done. Ever. Because they will always be there.


Wyldfire2112 t1_ivn96as wrote

That isn't what I'm saying, and the fact everyone seems to think it says a lot of bad things.

I'm simply pointing out that the Right points to the extremists on the Left to justify themselves just the same way the Left points to the extremists on the Right. Becauseboth sides tend to think their own shit doesn't stink.

Just because I don't agree with the most recent wave of rhetorical bullshit of people twisting the meaning of racism so whites are racist and blacks are "exhibiting racially biased behavior," doesn't mean I'm in favor of racism.


Born2fayl t1_ivniift wrote

The problem is that the right MAINSTREAM is comparing itself to the fringe left. We say something that Trump did is crazy and they point to the fringe parts of twitter left. It’s not equal. It’s not even close.


Wyldfire2112 t1_ivnl3gf wrote

>The problem is that the right MAINSTREAM is comparing itself to the fringe left.

That's a significant part of my point.

We need to acknowledge the Fringe Left exists and try to talk some goddamn sense into them instead of trying to pretend we can separate ourselves from them, because the Right sure as hell won't separate them from us any more than we separate the Qtards and MAGAts from moderate, sensible conservatives when we think of "the Right."