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fphillips93 t1_ixa99kb wrote

Albritton almost killed my wife and my daughter in 2020 with his fucking ego and tried to do it again in September this year with my son. Fuck Albritton. I wish he would have met pavement at Disney in August, in front of his wife and kids. He’s a punk ass bitch.


22TopShelf22 t1_ixbtlvo wrote

Wait a minute. He fucked up and then you thought it was a good idea to go back? Confused here


fphillips93 t1_ixc53k7 wrote

Yah, we didn’t find out until much later what actually happened when we got my wife’s medical records. It’s a long fuckin’ story. We filed a complaint with the hospital and got an attorney and some more shit over all this shit. It’s all on-going. That OB and Mercy are shit.