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Marqueso-burrito t1_j2djfho wrote

Reply to comment by Why_T in Why so many cops? by knockoffpatrick

Fr? I’ve never renewed them before cause I’m 19 and got two year plates at 17 but they cost like 500 dollars it was fucking ridiculous


Born2fayl t1_j2eeehr wrote

It’s more than $12, but most of that $500 was probably the tax.


Why_T t1_j2ewvdd wrote

You do need to pay personal property tax. And had you paid that in 2022 you'd have only had to play the $12 for plates ($24 for 2 year). But not you're in 2023 and will have to pay both years personal property tax, fines for not tagging your car, and you'll be limited to one year plates. Also you'll likely need an inspection, another $12.

Welcome to being an adult, you don't get to just coast through life. And unfortunately our education system doesn't teach the basic skills of adulthood.


Marqueso-burrito t1_j2f46b0 wrote

Yeah no I’ve noticed the whole “education system failed” deal lmao. The inspection stickers here are definitely a little confusing, like does it mean that it was inspected in April of 21 or did it expire in April of 21… also forgot to mention my tags are from my old car (switched em over at the dmv) but I bought my current car in may of 22 and I already paid my tax when I bought and registered it did I not?