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Cold417 t1_j0gz90y wrote

He's shooting a music video around these parts, too.


Gingersnap5322 t1_j0hbjb0 wrote

It’s just a bunch of photos of him with little to know anything besides he’s at Reach Audio. Bummer.


KoiCyclist t1_j0he0vg wrote

News Leader: I was gonna write an article too, but then I got high…


BonelessLucy t1_j0hntzt wrote

I saw him in concert at Krave (Cartoon's). It was a great show. Perfect venue to have him, too.


funkmonkfrog t1_j0hqxls wrote

I personally think he's a piece of shit for bopping that lady on stage but 🤷🏼


Khulric t1_j0hrexj wrote

Ugh. He tried calling our club wanting to do a private party. Wanted us to close our business to the public. Wanted to sell tickets to our building instead of us having our cover. Plus wanted us to pay him a large sum of money for such a great deal.

His people screamed and insulted ours when we politely said that we wouldn't be taking that offer.

I too got to see that concert at Krave. He was burnt out then, and his people are shitty now. No thank you.


Maxwyfe t1_j0hshou wrote

First Chris Kattan goes to the hospital and now Afroman is recording right here in Springfield! We are just swimming in D list celebrities!


HiddenGeons t1_j0i255i wrote

He, for some reason, really likes playing Springfield and Joplin. Been through multiple times.


Khulric t1_j0i6ksc wrote

Hell, Shaggy came to our club a couple years ago and didn't make any demands. Hung out on a couch, tipped the girls that sat with him, and didn't make a scene.

Look, I like weed just as much as many others do. That doesn't give Afroman a pass to be shitty to businesses based on a stoner meme song he made nearly 23 years ago.


GuySpringfield t1_j0i6t9a wrote

I was gonna make it big, but then I got high.

I was gonna get real fuckin rich, but then I got high.

Now I've washed up in the Midwest, and I know why...


AmosBridges t1_j0ijadr wrote

Caffeine-deprived = not high enough, I guess? Bumbling editor thought he'd get up early to mess with the social media schedule and might have mixed up the publication order.


Bitmush- t1_j0iwp30 wrote

Kev is a fantastic guy - glad he got some props here :)


muellzy t1_j0ys2q7 wrote

highly recommend this series Vice is doing on "one hit wonders." Afroman seems chill as usual, but happy at this point in his career as well. Still hanging out with college students is sus, but that's his target audience still.