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Cloud_Disconnected t1_j0wp9pv wrote

No one is defending careless driving in general, or this example in particular. And putting aside the fact that there are already laws in place to address this type of careless driving, is shame-based behavior modification really what you think is going on here?

Judging by the comments that are getting upvotes, I'd say it's more people venting their frustrations, which I admit are justified, at the person who has been placed in front of them as a target.

We've seen historically how that sort of thing plays out. I'm not comparing anyone here to those historical examples, that would be an absolutely ridiculous comparison in terms of scope and intent. But, if the same dynamic doesn't exist here, a parallel one does.


Television_Wise t1_j0wqtec wrote

>there are already laws in place to address this type of careless driving,

Oh boy, first day in Springfield I take it? Laws mean nothing if they're not enforced.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j0wsiwo wrote

Nope, and I complain about drivers here as much as anyone, I'll freely admit. And yeah, enforcement is lacking. I still don't think that justifies putting someone's pic up to ridicule them. Apparently I'm in the distinct minority here, though.