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DebbieDunnbbar t1_j3pvd3s wrote

Ugh. I need a shower after that comment section.

And I guess I believe I Nett. He’s done other unquestionably good things and I seriously doubt the guy exploited a deceased little girl to make an extra whopping $39 bucks or get customers in his door.

But still really stupid of him to agree to do something like that, when the subject matter is so serious, and then flake out on it. Not really an “honest mistake.” He fucked up. If he didn’t have time to deal with it, he shouldn’t have publicly announced it.

Really not a fan of the parents getting shit on in the comments either. They’re clearly not doing this for the money. If a business owner advertised they were raising money for my deceased child and then never contacted me with it, I wouldn’t give a rat’s ass about the money but I’d be seeing the red mist of rage over using my kid to get feet in the door. I don’t believe Nett did that intentionally, but you cannot expect grieving parents to be entirely rational about something like that.


EcoAffinity t1_j3pwp6f wrote

On the parents getting shit on in the comments: I feel like that's the problem with people these days. Those comments are horrific, but it seems par for the course for these parts. They have lost all sense of compassion. And a small part of me feels like some are especially vitriolic because the family isn't white. Of course, Pat isn't either, but "he's the good kind who's done good for us etc etc". I just don't think the comments would be quite the same if it was a nice white middle class family.

Plus the number of comments saying KY3 is like all other media (liars)/NBC affiliate/etc. It's the damn MAGA talking points about the big scary "mainstream media". Ashley Reynolds is a citizen of our community, not some scary Liberal Communist Satan worshipper or whatever the hell people are enraged with these days. Her report genuinely seemed to give a fair shake at the story from both sides, and I think Pat gave his honest to God truth on his mistakes and ownership of the situation.


Ozarkian_Tritip OP t1_j3r8xgr wrote

The comments on there are supportive of him because of what he's done for the community, not because of his race or anything like that. It's from the fan page for his restaurant. God damn this subreddit loves to try to find racist subtones when there are none. Trust me, there's plenty of racism in town but not everything is.


EcoAffinity t1_j3rf2tp wrote

You didn't understand what I was saying. It's not about his race or about the comments in support of him. It's about the vitriol being spewed directly towards the family whose daughter drowned.


stone500 t1_j3rlp0l wrote

On the point of Ashley,

while she's unquestionably done some good work, let's not forget that local news are often garbage entities who try to make stories out of nothing. I'm not saying this is nothing, but the goal of local news stations is to get stories.


jeebus0027 t1_j3qvubv wrote

“Villains who twirl their mustache are easy to spot. Those who cloak themselves in good deeds are well camouflaged.” Jean Luc Picard


Imactuallyadogg t1_j3r22rk wrote

It’s so true. The writers on Star Trek are amazing. They have tons of quotable lines that are incredibly philosophical.