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fphillips93 t1_j3q1xcp wrote

He is doing like $1.8 million in sales, bro. His money problems went away when the issues for opening went away. Now he’s just got the health department non-priority dings to fix. 🤣


stone500 t1_j3rkybk wrote

Opening up a restaurant is super expensive, even if you're moving locations. I'll let Nett speak up himself on this, but you have to recoup a lot of costs before you're coming out ahead of your investment.

I worked for a branch office of a company that essentially bought itself out and moved offices within the year. I had a talk with the owner and he informed me that it'll probably takes at least a couple years before the business actually turns a profit after all the costs that were incurred. Running a business is a lot more expensive than people think it is.


fphillips93 t1_j3rn5ty wrote

I run my own small business. I’m aware of the costs. I was just pointing out something he said himself. Go defend him to him, not me. I have no stake in this and don’t eat at his establishment and don’t care to.


stone500 t1_j3rnsya wrote

> Go defend him to him, not me.

But... you commented? Weird response, man


EcoAffinity t1_j3t1hl2 wrote

Dude even knew the health inspections for the restaurant 😂


fphillips93 t1_j3v20pj wrote

They were posted on the KY3 article on Facebook. Lol


fphillips93 t1_j3v217l wrote

They were posted on the KY3 article on Facebook. Lol


fphillips93 t1_j3v23q6 wrote

AND? Are you the comment police? I can’t comment on something because I don’t care about what happens with the situation? Grow tf up.


stone500 t1_j3vxgeb wrote

You're a weird person. You're commenting in a public forum on a topic, and getting mad when people reply to you. You're simultaneously getting angry while trying to play the whole "I don't even care!" angle. And you want to tell ME to grow up?

Best of luck, dude


fphillips93 t1_j3y2gx8 wrote

Lmfao nobody is mad except y’all butthurt that I commented on something. You Springfield people are DIFFFFFERENT. I have never met some butt hurt ass mf people til I moved to Missouri. 😂😂😂😂 soft ass people


22TopShelf22 t1_j3v010e wrote

I'm guessing you don't own a business w that remark, which is fine. I have a business and a lot of revenue and have no cash, so believe it or not, people you look at and think shit, that guy is rolling in it.... it's not always the case. There's absolutely no excuse for him to not pay this immediately. Unless this is some strategy to get some press, but that would be a foolish approach imo.