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t1_j3sn2tl wrote

Regardless of who is in the wrong here and how wrong they are, this is the potential downside of being extremely online like Patrick Nett has been for the last 3 years.


t1_j3tgyjl wrote

I’m 100% in the wrong. I just wish the primary focus on shaming me would be for my lack of responsibility. I hate that most people think I used their tragedy for personal gain. Everyone claims me to be a marketing genius. If I were to exploit my marketing capabilities, I would have gone even further with it, post about it even more, and make attempts to capture more images of video footage after the campaigns done. I simply acted out of emotion as a father myself. I added extra to my plate when I shouldn’t have. And I simply forgot as the timing was directly in line with me deciding if I needed to start figuring out bankruptcy or not. It was stressful times for me, and I lost track of so many things. I honestly forgot, and kept procrastinating when I would remember here and there. Everyone’s asking why 7-8 months for contact. It’s really 2-3 months. Once I got a letter from attorney, I’m pretty sure it’s common knowledge that both parties don’t talk, and attorneys handle it. And I’ve said my piece on my contact with their attorney.

Anyways, you’re right. This is the potential downside, but I accept responsibility and the circumstances that came with it. When I mess up, it’s going to blow up. But that’s fine. I still have done so much good for the community using my platform, and I will continue to do so. I have a passion for helping others, and I will just continue to improve on doing it better. I will not repeat this mistake again.

Side note if anyone cares, I have gotten in touch with attorney and will be delivering funds soon.


t1_j4kzoha wrote

What kind of point of sale system do you use? Because every modern POS system spits out weekly sales in an instant. Calculating 5% of that and writing a check takes less than 30 seconds. This shouldn’t have been hard, no matter how “busy” you claimed to be.