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417sadboi t1_j3uiq59 wrote

You definitely should speak with your principal and/or superintendent about this. I am also a teacher and I'm pretty sure I'd be fired on the spot for going into a girl's bathroom for anything other than a life or death, emergency situation. It should not be different for an administrator. If true, that is wildly inappropriate.


[deleted] OP t1_j3ujxcp wrote



jackie_wiggiwoo t1_j3unkfq wrote

But if students are telling you directly then aren’t you required to say something? Fill out an anonymous CPS report.


SafeFrosting1819 t1_j3upvxt wrote

You are not wrong. Also an SPS staff and have been for a while. I’m racking my brain trying to think of the right person to contact to keep you from getting yourself in hot water. This is more complicated than most realize.


jackie_wiggiwoo t1_j3uqkqg wrote

What about the SPS Tip Line?


SafeFrosting1819 t1_j3uquzl wrote

“Simply call or text 417-319-2901, 24 hours a day, with safety concerns.” - SPS Tip Line. It’s calling school police so I’m sure they have caller ID, but your report / concern could probably be considered anonymous? Man, I hate this whole situation for you.


blu3dice t1_j3urr5q wrote

As a school employee you're a mandatory reporter. People have been criminally prosecuted for failure to report.