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t1_j3wq91e wrote

Tacos el Champu and Tacos el Gordo both have fantastic shrimp tacos. Both have cheese and a chipotle crema. Super tasty. If you like heat, ask for the habanero sauce from Champu or the spicy red sauce from Gordo.


t1_j3x2g02 wrote

Tacos el Champu has fantastic everything.


t1_j3y9tdg wrote

Is that the place in the skeezy strip mall on Sunshine? Their food is good, but boy I hope they can move to a nicer spot at some point.


t1_j3ybukc wrote

I’d rather them stay in the skeezy place and keep the prices where they are.


t1_j3yemfn wrote

The question is if moving to a nicer location would bring in more customers. It's possible they could offset extra overhead with more customers. It's a gamble though


t1_j3ws286 wrote

Caesar's or Tacos El Champu get's my vote for Mexican style. Kung Fu Taco for just really good fried shrimp tacos with an Asian flair.


t1_j3xp4mj wrote

Not’Cho ordinary taco truck!


t1_j3yjcyz wrote

Jose Locos. They’ve put a creamy chipotle sauce on them that’s divine.


t1_j3wig67 wrote

I don't know about tacos, but Prima's and El Sombrero both have good shrimp chimichangas.


t1_j3wmfi2 wrote

Cesar's Old Mexico has good fish or shrimp tacos. No mayonnaise and nothing deep fried, and they mix in peppers, onions, and tomatoes with seasoning.


t1_j3xymfo wrote

Lindbergs its actually pork belly which I recommend but you can sub shrimp and it's pretty damn good


t1_j3zk4g9 wrote

Casa Bella has great shrimp tacos or shrimp ceviche.


t1_j4asjb2 wrote

If you ever find yourself in Republic go to RepMo Burger. They have amazing campfire shrimp tacos


t1_j3xb5dx wrote

I love tacos taqueria! They have a amazing chipotle sauce that comes on there shrimp tacos.


t1_j3wmmbg wrote

Not shrimp, but Tacos el Gordo has my absolute favorite fish tacos in town.
