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ArtisticTomatillo106 t1_j4bf921 wrote

Reply to comment by 22TopShelf22 in shameless repost. by discodeathsquad

Hey dip shit, do you like driving on those roads? Maybe enjoy most of our beautiful parks and nature preserves? How about them Bridges and Dams? Yep all those things were all of us putting our money together socially to make this country better some would say Great... Kinda like some weird Democratic socialism.

Did you know we had this thing where we built cheap and affordable housing for all for a long time but for some reason we stopped? Yeah it's because if we kept doing that boomers investments in their homes would basically be worth nothing. Good old capitalism kicking the can down the road so we can blame the next generation.

Fuck off with you calling me a drama queen, you jack ass . Next time your homeless and your forced to move from where you just trying to sleep so you can work a slave wage and maybe get a warm beed to sleep in with the threat of $450 fine or shit jail time . Fuck you eat shit .


armenia4ever t1_j4ciesj wrote

Alot of NIMBYs all over across every region in the US regardless of their politics don't seem to actually want affordable housing if it's near them.

Even the Clinton's former Labor Secretary who is as left as they come and very concerned about income inequality- he should be - doesn't actually want affordable housing in his Berkeley neighborhood. (Its almost impossible to build anything residential in CA as it is as environmental impact laws are deliberately abused to delay projects indefinitely and make them cost prohibitive.)

Here in Springfield they NIMBYd down a resolution on the ballot to possible build more housing because of the park there being too important and possible traffic.

Then there's also the laws in place for zoning that deliberately prevent churches and other charitable organizations from helping house the homeless. This is the case regardless of whether it's a blue/red city or state. Why?

Who is putting these laws through? Also why are so many people who care about the homeless not want to actually live near them or better yet... take them in?