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Fun-Hold-1547 t1_j6ctxqr wrote

I went to the doctor, they reported it to law enforcement & law enforcement didn't do anything. Have you ever been kidnapped, raped, and attempted to be murdered with it recorded? Law enforcement has the recordings and it's been 2 and half years. Go through that and then give me some advice, until then your a POS who doesn't know anything about people who go through horrific things with no one to help them.


LifeRocks114 t1_j6cujmc wrote

If you'd have led with that, my response would have been different and actually constructive.

Have you contacted the city counsel, our state representative's office, the office of the missouri attorney general, or local media outlets (ky3, kolr10, ozarksfirst, etc)? Each of these avenues could put pressure on the PD if you pursue talking to them. Shit takes time, but if you haven't tried any of these yet I would recommend doing so.


Pretty_Web_3399 t1_j6d2y7s wrote

You just posted what your hiding so make a post with all the info you are wanting to post but we’re “scared” to.


whattheduce86 t1_j6e1t7h wrote

Talk to MSHP
