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Smooth_Mammoth5355 t1_j6coule wrote

you could just post to Reddit, kind of like what you did, but with an explanation.


Fun-Hold-1547 t1_j6crq4p wrote

I'm terrified of both of them. Everything was recorded and they didn't care. I just wanted to try and do something bc my health has declined drastically and there aren't any other law enforcement agencies to go to.


LifeRocks114 t1_j6cth24 wrote

"I just wanted to try something because my health has declined drastically" sounds like you did something incredibly reckless or dangerous and didn't care about the consequences to yourself or others. If your health is the problem you need to see a doctor not a police officer.


Fun-Hold-1547 t1_j6ctxqr wrote

I went to the doctor, they reported it to law enforcement & law enforcement didn't do anything. Have you ever been kidnapped, raped, and attempted to be murdered with it recorded? Law enforcement has the recordings and it's been 2 and half years. Go through that and then give me some advice, until then your a POS who doesn't know anything about people who go through horrific things with no one to help them.


LifeRocks114 t1_j6cujmc wrote

If you'd have led with that, my response would have been different and actually constructive.

Have you contacted the city counsel, our state representative's office, the office of the missouri attorney general, or local media outlets (ky3, kolr10, ozarksfirst, etc)? Each of these avenues could put pressure on the PD if you pursue talking to them. Shit takes time, but if you haven't tried any of these yet I would recommend doing so.


Pretty_Web_3399 t1_j6d2y7s wrote

You just posted what your hiding so make a post with all the info you are wanting to post but we’re “scared” to.


whattheduce86 t1_j6e1t7h wrote

Talk to MSHP


417SKCFAN t1_j6cpgor wrote

Looked at them, nothing there. Thanks for wasting my minute.


Past_Win6798 t1_j6dy3gt wrote

Thank you for being a real MVP and looking it up for everyone. You're the best.


Ozarkian_Tritip t1_j6cykzv wrote

Literally the only 1 star review says " enforce laws, not feelings".

Please seek mental help, it's obvious you're unwell.


MidwestFescue82 t1_j6drm5x wrote

Telling someone to get mental help based on a very short reddit post and a couple comments. Ahh internet, full of people who tell others to fk off, get cancer, go to hell, shut up, that they're stupid. Such admirable and productive methods.


Ozarkian_Tritip t1_j6ds1jl wrote

The title alone shows the person is in the right state of mind. The frantic replies that lack substance as well as lack of cohesion also suggest the person is in distress.

It's not a stretch.


Pretty_Web_3399 t1_j6d3306 wrote

They have been raped or something idk they said something in another comment was hard to follow lol


rogan_notjoe t1_j6d758p wrote

Based off your comments, I would really recommend you get an attorney. Many of them will not charge you until after the case is over, if everything you said above stands true.


Fun-Hold-1547 t1_j6czq1m wrote

People have said the FBI post is not showing up, this is the review.

I was kidnapped, tortured, assaulted, raped, assaulted with a deadly weapon and locked in a room for 5 months. All of it was recorded and these people have allowed the man who did it to continue to torture & harass me for 2 and half years since they found out. These people are the worst people ever to walk the face of the earth.


Snekathan t1_j6dmbsp wrote

The best thing you can do for yourself is get YOURSELF help. I know it sucks, I know you want and deserve Justice, but your health comes before any of that.

Seek mental help, therapy. Not because you’re crazy, because you went through something horrific and traumatizing. Our mental health has a very direct impact on our physical health.

I’m sure you have other physical issues going on as well as a result of the terrible circumstances, but since you said the doctors aren’t helping you maybe you should just take the path that helps you the most- getting the mental health checked!

I hope you can get the help you need. So sorry something like this happened to you and I’m sorry law enforcement is useless

As someone else said, you should also try getting an attorney when you are able. Lots of attorneys, especially those representing victims, will take on your case with no payment up front “pro bono”


Fun-Hold-1547 t1_j6dsvr2 wrote

Thanks for all the advice, it means a lot! The things that have happened are truly horrific & the only people who have ever cared are the people on this post. When & if law enforcement does something all of you will understand.