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the_honeyman t1_j4yd1tq wrote

The posts that get downvoted to oblivion are the ones that exaggerate the problems, making it sound like there are roving bands of marauders constantly mixing it up with hordes of methadone zombies on every corner, in between nothing but trap houses and gutted buildings, when in reality, basically everybody keeps mostly to themselves. If you do have a run in with a crazy, it's usually so far out of the ordinary, which is why it sticks out and gets talked about.

The reality is that yes, there is more poverty on the north side, and yes, crime tends to follow poverty (shocking, I know), but acting like the North side is some Wild West lawless zone is absurdity. Part of the reason there is more poverty on the north side is the fact that it's older, the other part is the people up here generally have a bit more compassion and don't run people off or call the cops just for being poor and trying to get by. Plus, it's where most of the homeless resources are located.

Personally, I'd rather live up here where people tend to help each other out where they can than down on the south side where non-conformity gets you excluded.


robzilla71173 t1_j4yf9xl wrote

This right here. A lot of us either stuck around or came back north after growing up here because although this half of town is undeniably poorer, it's also been my experience that it's a significantly more diverse and tolerant area.


LurkingOakleaf t1_j516sgn wrote

Prettier too, if run down. You see a lot more in the way of murals/yard art/interesting paint jobs. South side looks like it should be a tax haven with all the squat grey buildings.


robzilla71173 t1_j51taco wrote

Everybody says they're going to build a fence out of old bike frames. But only one guy went and actually did it, bless his heart. And not just a north sider, but a full on west Division north sider.


flexpercep t1_j4z8rqh wrote

Fucking liberals and their woke mind disease thinking the poors need to be treated like human beings. If God wanted the poors to have a good life they would have been born rich, trying to change that is upsetting the natural order…God has a plan for all of us and the poors serve their role of giving the rest of us a feeling of superiority. And here you are trying to take my emotional support poors away from me. /s


Benway23 t1_j51o30g wrote

Damn, thank you for the /s. This read like something straight out of the prosperity gospel. And many hold this view...


Sgthouse t1_j4zvv3q wrote

Finally someone said it. Thank you


Dry-Calligrapher5271 t1_j4zfra6 wrote

It's just sad that it prompted this long-winded of a cover. Says more than just an explanation.


Lost-Can-4218 t1_j4ydq5u wrote

I definitely worked on the Northside in a hands on role with the public and I think poverty is really not the biggest problem I've dealt with I think about the majority of the people I've had these experiences with or under the influence of drugs and alcohol and the fact that majority of the pedestrians are in fact homeless people and their day to day life consist of where to get their drug fixed and how to get it and I can tell you that walking alone at night is not a good idea and that's why the homeless travel in groups. And that fair amount of the homeless are from outside of here from what my interactions have been with them. The people that live on the North side are quite honestly scared shitless of what the north side has become and cannot comprehend leaving their house without caring a firearm and that's just a fact I don't know how North North you live but if you consider the MSU area the north side then you're absolutely wrong.

And quite frankly and I think it really undermines the concerns that the people who actually live on the North side have to poo poo this as some sort of communal environment when it's really the closest thing to human connection a lot of the drug addicts have or are people using each other to use each other. And the fact is there's a lot of broken homes and there's a lot of broken people over on the North side and yes you see the facts of it through crime and drugs.


Stonedprincess0912 t1_j50u0ux wrote

Literally between this and your post from two days ago- it shows you really haven’t been there. Just shut it and move on.


the_honeyman t1_j50p90g wrote

Holy fuck literally everything you just said is either completely wrong or a complete asshole thing to say. Mostly both.

Poverty is the root of every problem the north side faces. Drugs? A way to cope with abject poverty. Crime? Again, poverty.

Walking alone at night? I do it almost every single night. "The majority of pedestrians are homeless?" Completely not true, just an assumption on your part.

Don't speak for the people who really do live on the north side. We aren't "scared shitless" or "feel like we can't leave without a gun." Just because you are terrified of anybody who looks like they are less well off than you doesn't mean the rest of us are callous assholes.

Please. Stay the fuck away from the north side if that's how you feel. We don't need you or people like you up here making things worse with your jumpy, terrified-of-poor-people projection bullshit.


Starportalskye t1_j5353u1 wrote

Poverty isn’t the problem it’s bad parenting and mental illness stemming from childhood trauma and it’s a cycle. I’ve known MANY extraordinary people who lived in poverty for so many different reasons but their parents or caregivers parented well.. thus they grew up to be incredibly gifted, scholarly, artists etc. successful people. And many rich kids who were dealing drugs, going to prison, committing terrible acts and yet we think this is still about money..


Stonedprincess0912 t1_j523wlj wrote

You quite literally do not know me and say I have chronic plant use. My name is stonedprincess, yes. But your assumption that me being stoned = chronic plant use- Solidifies my assumption that you are a very prejudice person who has seen a few drug addicts in Walmart (huge shocker there) and a dirty bathroom and made the decision on who these people were and what quality this Walmart would holds for itself. Please come back when you open your eyes past the emotional damage that came from you losing your job of securing E Karney Walmart.


LurkingOakleaf t1_j517ael wrote

I’ve lived 2 streets over from Sherman and can say that you have been running with shit circles bro. Mind your own and stop trying to screw people over and those people will fall away. Yea, you still want to chain down anything in the yard and don’t do stupid shit to invite robbers like leaving udo or unlocked, but you only see groups like this on the north side of you are going to a trap house. You are telling on yourself here.