Imactuallyadogg t1_j58p594 wrote
Shitmaroll for city council!
417sadboi t1_j58qaab wrote
Eat__Moneyz t1_j58ry4d wrote
necronicone t1_j590ezu wrote
Go for president of Springfield and make the current mayor your pet.
Rescan_cart t1_j596b6u wrote
The answer would be no
Real-Ad4878 t1_j59h4sl wrote
Goddamnit. Yes.
Catchthatcat t1_j59pya0 wrote
James River?
laffingriver t1_j59z4hm wrote
if you want real power in this city change your name to
seven brewdrivethru
Beginning-Narwhal-75 t1_j5b1i20 wrote
I am a lawyer. Yes! if you change your name to Mayor Ofspringfield then yes we would immediately have to inaugurate you and recognize you as mayor.
i am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice
Beginning-Narwhal-75 t1_j5b1ood wrote
then we would have to spend 3.4 million dollars remodeling. i don’t want my tax dollars going to that
Catchthatcat t1_j5b4wy7 wrote
Swing and a miss on the commercial reference to the post
SpiltMelon t1_j5bmcby wrote
2.4 on facility 1 on new paster(s) home and remodels
VaderTower t1_j5d10pu wrote
Brad Q Sachshaw
MonoChaos t1_j5e3gkv wrote
No, if OP wants true unchallenged power over Springfield they would have to change their name to "Car Wash". That would make them the King/Queen/Non-binary Monarch of Springfield Missouri.
It's the law.
throwawayyyycuk t1_j58mlcq wrote
I’d vote for you