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kernelpanic789 t1_j5z29x7 wrote

No local companies that I can recommend.

Long story short, they're not large enough to pay competitively. So if you want to make half, yes half, of what someone else doing the same thing does for another company, then sure work local.

Shop local, work remote.


dannyjbixby t1_j5zm6yl wrote

Not large enough. Lol. Jack Henry is a fortune 400 company and they STILL pay terribly. It’s not about size of company, it’s the greed.


kernelpanic789 t1_j5zrszw wrote

I worked for JH for 10+ years. Trust me, we did not end on the greatest terms, mostly because of pay. They intentionally cut salaries for people living in Springfield. I hand picked a team of engineers below me and they hired them $30-50k/yr more because they lived in bigger cities. I was maxed out in their job grade. Literally couldnt be promoted anymore without going into management, and they said they couldn't pay me the same as the people 3 job grades lower than me with much less experience.

I wouldn't go back unless I absolutely had to.


dannyjbixby t1_j5zs0ft wrote

Yep, I worked there as well for several years. Full agreed with your experience. It’s corporate hellscape that many people think is awesome because they are used to being treated even worse.


lochlainn t1_j5zun4x wrote

I knew a project manager with the same problem.

JH is a shitty company.


OkDiscussion9395 OP t1_j5z2idu wrote

I am a second year developer making around 85k local. Would I really be looking at more remote?


kernelpanic789 t1_j5z4gad wrote

Honestly the idea of driving to an office again to sit in a shitty cubicle under fluorescent lights again... Oh hell no. The movie Office Space is real life, that's why it is so good.


mysterybehindthepoop t1_j5zjlc9 wrote

I was just thinking this morning I feel just like Peter. I got chewed out for doing my job.


Anima_EB t1_j5zuclh wrote

I work remote out of stl. This is the correct answer. I worked 2 weeks in the office before we went remote and it's been amazing ever since.


kernelpanic789 t1_j5z3fue wrote

It think so. Definitely. The market has changed a lot since a year ago or so, but I think anyone with experience and a strong resume can make $100k+