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rkvance5 t1_ja6t1cl wrote

While I’m not 100% sure what an “AI upgrade” is, there’s actually a huge and undeniable difference between using text to create an AI image and a photographer, who has taken a photo, using software to edit that photo.


thedaveness t1_ja7ti2m wrote

Like adding in a smile with teeth vs the picture you took with just their normal smile. Tech is to the point where you can do all kinds of stuff like that instantly.


rkvance5 t1_ja7tm8d wrote

I don’t think it’s being pedantic to say that that isn’t AI.


thedaveness t1_ja7u631 wrote

Well… been in photography and graphic design for almost 20 years now and that’s all I can really think of that I could use on a daily basis that would fall under that lose definition.

The definition being that some would consider that a cheat.