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t1_j975a10 wrote

People laugh at this, but then these companies make money, and then the rest follow.


t1_j98dsr5 wrote

Until their users bleed away or die off, and they made some money in the short-term, but destroyed a future revenue stream.


t1_j9921sj wrote

Bleed off to where? These twitter and Facebook accounts have replaced corporate PR departments and journalists in media channels. These corporate entities will not fund departments again to write email press releases and email out then follow up on engagement, when a few thousand dollars a year in licence fees allows them to remain in touch. Social media may feel like it’s “influencers” and giving voice to individuals it really is just corporate money all the way down.

Soon social media will be even more like Television or radio with a clear divide between licensed content creators and consumers. We are watching the death of social media as we have know it, which was born out of the death of open internet.


t1_j993c5q wrote

Where are younger people going now? Tik tok? Where did people go from My Space? There is nothing holding people to a social network, if enough people leave the social network it will die. The journalists and the corporations will follow the actual people, people don't follow the corporations.


t1_j9elicd wrote

So if Tik tok does the same thing by charging for a blue badge then what?


t1_j99hrem wrote

I'll be deleting FB and Insta if this ends up happening, probably won't be the only one to.


t1_j99e9bp wrote

Yeah. People groused about Xbox Live (online play on Xbox) costing monthly money. Next console generation Sony and Nintendo started charging too.


t1_j9evw8r wrote

Exactly. Facebook and Twitter understand their businesses better than any average Joe on Reddit.

I don’t understand this decision myself but I’m sure they have their reasons. People commenting things like “bad move, Facebook” just sound dumb.


t1_j98cnmw wrote

Twitter has never been profitable


t1_j993a5n wrote

It made money in 2018 and 2019.


t1_j993v66 wrote

So being slightly profitable for 2 years out of a 17 year existence is something to brag about?

Why would others follow suit? That doesn’t sound like a sustainable model.


t1_j997n0w wrote

He was just correcting your incorrect statement, not bragging about it.


t1_j9985u3 wrote

I was being hyperbolic.

I didn’t literally go through ever yearly Twitter financial statement.

The amount of net losses they have faced in 17 years renders those two years moot and then some.
