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HanaBothWays t1_j8hpxdw wrote

“AI is gonna replace all your jobs!”

Yeah right this stuff is so not ready for prime time. All the hype about it “taking yer jerbs” in the foreseeable future is just to discipline labor.


MasterpieceBrave420 t1_j8jn3io wrote

It's gonna replace a bunch of useless middle management jobs. Manual labor is expensive to replace with robots. No way it replaces humans first.


HanaBothWays t1_j8jp17c wrote

People have all these fantasies about it replacing management jobs. It can’t do that either, and if your manager is ever actually replaced with an LLM algorithm in the near future that thing will be the worst manager you ever had and it won’t even be close.


MasterpieceBrave420 t1_j8jpthb wrote

It definitely can do that job. Modern management is essentially just doing what the computer analytics tells them to do. It will not be a hard or long transition.


HanaBothWays t1_j8jq7bp wrote

> It definitely can do that job. Modern management is essentially just doing what the computer analytics tells them to do.

So you don’t understand management or analytics.

That’s okay, neither do a lot of people in management positions. But LLMs understand those things even less.


MasterpieceBrave420 t1_j8jqirv wrote

You don't seem to understand the difference between reality and your fantasy "perfect manager" that doesn't actually exist outside of Costco.


Alchemystic1123 t1_j9k1eva wrote

This comment is going to look pretty dumb in like a year, if that


Rd21Bn t1_j8l7z6a wrote

The problem with having AI ordering is they didn't account for humans like TikTok'ers with the attention span of 5 seconds and blabbering to their friends and laughing while making an order, purposely making it as hard for the AI to understand as possible, and then being surprised that it cannot get their order right. They are doing it on purpose to get attention, as TikTok'ers do.

If you spoke to it slowly and clearly, and only speaking out the name of the item you wish to order instead of a bunch of comments and saying things to someone else other than the AI you are ordering from while in the middle of your order, I'm sure it would do fine.

The problem is that isn't what would happen in real life, so they would have to make it so you'd have to use the app to make the order and have the AI scan the code from your phone or something, or have an outdoor kiosk to make your order instead of trying to use voice recognition to take the orders, hoping that the person ordering won't say a bunch of words that don't have to do with the order itself, while laughing hysterically the whole time and claiming that it's not working. People are just stupid and annoying, and AI will never be able to get past that.

The only part of the job the AI should do is preparing the actual order and delivering it to the customer. The AI voice-recognition will probably never be advanced enough to understand a person talking in real-time and being able to properly distinguish between what they are saying as a part of the order or not, especially when they are purposely being as hard to understand as possible, which is what you see the TikTok'ers doing..

Imagine if I went to a drive-thru and instead of making a simple order I just talked up a storm next to the drive-thru order the whole time and laughing to my friends. That's just called being rude and annoying to the human taking your order. But for an AI, they cannot tell them to stop.


mosttrash t1_j8mbysq wrote

AI will take jobs, it will be bad AI and give bad service.

The risk here is in declining service, not AI directly. We are already being trained to accept bad service. Call centre staff with no authority and who don't care are doing this today. AI will have less authority and zero humanity.

Good luck arguing with your Tesla when it won't allow the brakes cause your credit card declines.

You will die, short by AI police, after blasting through a bunch of pedestrians - all the while knowing your feedback is important and that you are a valued consumer


docah t1_j8pv4ng wrote

"Bewildered TikTokers" as though that wasn't their default state.


[deleted] t1_j8i0n3f wrote



HanaBothWays t1_j8i7owj wrote

> All of these could’ve easily solved with a touch screen… from your smartphone.

It has been, the McDonalds app does all of this and reasonably well (over the Web, not Bluetooth).


SidewaysFancyPrance t1_j8imlbj wrote

They are targeting people who are driving and want to quickly get some food without leaving their car. Promoting app ordering for a drive-thru doesn't sit right - and can be dangerous if people feel they need to place their order while driving. I understand why they want this tech, because there will always be customer demand for voice ordering in drive-thrus. It's just sad that society is pushing so hard towards eliminating human interfaces and jobs, just so a few people can get a little richer.