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Adiwik t1_j9sszvx wrote

For anyone who's spent money on nfts. I got an idea you can buy.


Intelligent-Prune-33 t1_j9t07zo wrote

While most current NFTs are stupid, and the rest are barely better than that, NFTs in the future will have value. It’s only a matter of time before they start becoming mainstream keys to digital locks.


4Wf2n5 t1_j9tb0mz wrote

But we already have it where you pay for an account that stores your authorisation in their database.

What benefit is there to storing it in the block chain?


ay8xT4 t1_j9tbp5o wrote

It's easier for you to sell it independently.

Not really worth all the blockchain infrastructure though.


Intelligent-Prune-33 t1_j9tbxai wrote

You can take it and sell the nft to a 3rd person.

It’s like a digital album, you can sell it back or to a random store or something.

More interesting, the nft can represent a contract with a cut of each subsequent sale going to the original artist.

And if you treat it as a certificate of ownership and authenticity then you can verify what you’re buying before you ever buy it. Because every transaction is recorded in the blockchain. So, you’re not going to wind up with a random Spanish language version of Cleopatra instead.

Another potential us case bejng for ticket sales; the tickmaster shit couldn’t happen with that (and the nft could be treated as a collectible after. The same way as stubs are.)

There are a lot of utility things you can run (including programs) as well. Right now, it’s people figuring out what can be done. It’s the very bleeding edge and there are grifters. But like everything innovative… it will go main stream.


Adiwik t1_j9t65st wrote

Digital keys can be copied manipulated almost always it's only a matter of time.


Intelligent-Prune-33 t1_j9tcij4 wrote

Yeah… that was an analogy. I’m not saying nfts are ready to go mainstream yet- but they will. That is only a matter of time. And I’m certainly not encouraging anyone to go out and stock up on shitty ai art, either.

But go ahead and downvote anyhow. Luddite.


Adiwik t1_j9trisr wrote

I'm not the one downvotin and I understand the concept and the prescription for it but until we have VR everywhere and AR as common places are phones it won't


ImNoahHeresYourRaft t1_j9tjsk5 wrote

Thanks for trying to contribute. This is the most significant event I've experienced when a lot of people don't do their research. NFTs can be anything - not just images - that reduces the middleman for creators of art. That's just the surface.

My favorite feature of NFTs is the proof of ownership concept. Was your watch stolen and you can't prove it was yours prior to the theft? Well, future watches will have NFTs tied to them to prove ownership.


Intelligent-Prune-33 t1_j9vbwuz wrote

The luddites down voting us are probably the same sort of people that believed that computers were just a novelty, or the Internet was just going to be a thing for nerds and nothing important.

Most people hate the idea of it because they were told to hate it.

The reality is NFTs are the future. It’s not even the proof of ownership thing. We’ve only just begun exploring what they can be used for. DAO crowd funding with dividends? They can do that.

Proof of ownership? Sure.

Contain art or utility software? Absolutely. Act as digital access points with improved controls? Or even a digital key to physical controls?Certainly.

There’s possibly use cases for overhauling national elections to be something… with both complete anonymity and transparency.

Right now in the us… how do you know your vote was counted? really counted ? And counted correctly ?

That potential is probably what scares people the most.


ImNoahHeresYourRaft t1_j9ve4q4 wrote

The possibilities really are endless. It's this blind hivemind mentality that concerns me that 1984 can become a reality.