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TheRedGoatAR15 t1_j8mwt5q wrote

I am going to need a link to, uhm, research how 'believable' the porn might be.

Also, if someone told me, "Hey, you're in a porno." My first reaction would NOT be, "Wait, am I on this?"

Unless, of course, there was the real possibility that I WAS in a pr0n....


poooooooooopo t1_j8myzmv wrote

Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery...


MoominTheFirst t1_j8n6725 wrote

The comments below this so far is why people think having a Reddit account is a red flag. Go outside.


AvatarJack t1_j8n9wdy wrote

And here's another drawback to letting old people run our societies. As technology advances, laws aren't keeping up because the people writing laws still think computers are a fad. There really needs to be some sort of independent lobbying group that tries to educate lawmakers about technology and effective methods of regulation (as opposed to the nonsense, uninformed half measures they take today).


-_-_-__-_-_-__-_- t1_j8ncwzt wrote

That's quite a blanket statement. It's funny how reddit is so hypersensitive to anything that could be remotely interpreted as racist, sexist, homophobic etc yet ageism is so widely accepted and even encouraged.


AvatarJack t1_j8neqvq wrote

Do I think we should discriminate against people based on their age? No.

Do I think lawmakers should have baseline knowledge about the topics they’re legislating on? Yes.

Do I think old people are on average unprepared to handle a topic as complex as internet regulation? Also yes.

If that’s ageism to you, then I’m sorry. But don’t feel too bad for them because current old people control basically all government in the US (can’t speak for elsewhere) so I think they’ll be fine if someone hurts their feelings.


-_-_-__-_-_-__-_- t1_j8nfhy5 wrote

You're assuming age is the issue here, when the real issue is these lawmakers are mostly bought by corporations and are lax on issues that don't benefit their portfolio or get them re-elected. This goes for the young and old politicians alike. I know many older people who keep up with technology or are at least curious to learn.

Edit: Also because this deepfake porn issue affects so few people, it's never going to be moved from the backburner. Creating laws around it won't even create a ripple in the election cycle. This is the real issue: the only job of a politician is to get re-elected. The creation of a new law (even computer related) is not determined by the age of the politician, but the likelihood of it getting said politician elected again, or like I mentioned, getting some sort of financial compensation.


lordmycal t1_j8nhfw3 wrote

Legislation will always lag behind by it’s very nature. We just don’t go around proactively making new things illegal. There almost always has to be an actual problem that lawmakers are trying to solve, and then it takes a while for laws to be written, lobbies for and go into effect.


desperate_coder t1_j8ni535 wrote

The solution is simple, though terrible. Start making and distributing deepfake porn of lawmakers.


EmbarrassedHelp t1_j8nk1mj wrote

The issue with laws attempting to deal with this issue, is that they they will likely be written vague enough to harm the art community, and they will place the onus on companies to damage their models instead of targeting the people who do use the models for harm.


throwaway_MT_452298 t1_j8nt0cg wrote

>the real issue is these lawmakers are mostly bought by corporations

So much this!!! I would go so far as to remove mostly... It is very hard for a honest politician to get elected to do the will of the people who put them in office. They get put in office to do the will of the $$$ that put them in office.


hedgetank t1_j8ntlrw wrote

Can't the women being targeted, or anyone for that matter, simply file a copyright on their likeness, and then DMCA/sue any company that hosts infringing content?


djspacepope t1_j8nzsen wrote

Yup being a public figure means you allow the public to use your image in any parody, as long it does not copy the original content exactly. So yeah, don't wanna be publicly fucked, don't be a public figure.


djspacepope t1_j8o1xr6 wrote

Yup, welcome to the future. Things move fast. I didn't say it was right, Im just explaining, at this point in time, why it's always been a inherent risk to being a public figure. When it comes to private people, well I guess they have a new wrinkle to iron out

Rule 34 and revenge porn existed long before this.


FallenJoe t1_j8o2g95 wrote

No, copywrite doesn't work that way.

Copywrite protects the product of creative works. If you didn't make something, you don't have a copywrite to it. If someone makes a knockoff Pokemon game using Pokemon characters they get sued for using a creative work under copywrite without permissions.

So the person being deepfaked can't sue for copywrite infringement, the only person who could arguably do so would be the photographer who took the video or image used in the deepfake generation. The person getting photographed only owns the copywrite for the image if the copywrite had been explicitly transferred or sold to them by the person who previously owned it (by default the creator of the creative work).

There are other laws that might be applicable for the situation, but they're not copywrite laws.


Movie_Monster t1_j8o3kd4 wrote

I’ll give you the long-winded “not a lawyer” answer, if you don’t like it, take it up with the fake bar association.

If you are making a living by your appearance like a celebrity, then you can sue for unauthorized use of your likeness. If you are a normal Joe Schmoe that’s not really an argument you can make.

I found this out when I was working for a university and we had a lawyer in our video production department. We used to make anyone on camera sign a waiver, the lawyer said it’s not necessary unless they were a minor, or some other circumstance that involved being mentally competent, or like aware of the video production.

But the lawyer was clear that if we filmed with a celebrity we had to get a waiver signed.

Now things are totally different if you are filming someone who is not aware of the camera in a space where you would expect privacy like a bathroom.

Anyone else in public is fair game as far as the law is concerned. While it’s creepy, you can definitely film anyone in public, I’ve heard protestors claim you can’t film their face or even young girls in public, same shit, no one has any authority to stop you from filming, the law is on your side.


reddit-MT t1_j8o4g6o wrote

The problem isn't age so much as that modern technology is complicated and changes quickly. Judges and lawmakers need to rely on technology experts to explain issues they don't understand. Problem is that those experts are often tied to their respective industries.


desperate_coder t1_j8o9an0 wrote

That's where the terrible part comes in, you don't deep fake them having pornstar sex, you deep fake lawmakers having sex with each other or you deep fake them having sex with people they hate and alienate. Stuff that is publicly embarrassing for them.


Sirmalta t1_j8ofspo wrote

I dont get why anyone cares about this.

It isnt you... people have been doing this with photoshop for like 25 years.

Why do you care? You cant stop people from picturing it, or drawing it, or painting it, or photoshopping it, so why do people care if a computer puts your face on someone in porn?


Uristqwerty t1_j8og1o5 wrote

The dataset used to train the model needs to be sourced ethically, just like the supply chain used by a physical manufacturer needs to be audited to ensure a supplier isn't using slave labour in a country too remote to attract much attention over the issue. In this case, I'd say the companies need to either dilute their datasets further, using fewer samples from any given person to the point that AI can't replicate the appearance of a specific person or the style of an artist except by improbable coincidence or extreme genericity, or get consent from each person who (or whose work) appears in the training data.

Though this is deepfakes, which I think involve users applying additional training material specifically of the target, so that the AI over-fits to that specific output. If the original AI was ethically/respectfully produced, then the people responsible for the additional rounds of training ought to be the ones at fault, at least as much as the prompt-writer themselves (assuming they're not the same individual!). For that, the only good solution I can think of is legislation.


Sirmalta t1_j8ogee5 wrote

Leftist here. The only reason I dont watch deepfakes is because theyre stupid. Show me a video of the actual person fucking, and I'm in. Deep fakes are just dumb fan art.

I dont care about them, and frankly neither should anyone else. Its lame, not sexy, and too dumb to be offensive.


AustinJG t1_j8oi053 wrote

Just deep fake everyone. Make the pics so ridiculous that it's comical and so numerous that it becomes pointless for anyone to make more. Lets just rip the collective band aid off.


BlackandBlue14 t1_j8ov1x3 wrote

I urge everyone to pause and consider how ubiquitous these sorts of deep fake tools will become over the next decade. There is zero - I repeat, zero - chance of preventing bad actors from creating this sort of content and distributing it online. You MAY be able to stop people from profiting from it. Even so, an unregulated marketplace will persist.


Petaris t1_j8oxtum wrote

This varies based on country though. Just so that people keep it in mind that the rules are different depending on where you are.

For example, in Japan you cannot take a picture, or video, of someone without their explicit permission.


OlynykDidntFoulLove t1_j8p9321 wrote

It’s the difference between being able to build a bomb with home materials and being able to order one premade on Amazon. One requires effort and knowledge while the other just needs a credit card. It’s about the barriers to entry being lower and the ability to mass produce.


FallenJoe t1_j8pbot6 wrote

Again, no, it doesn't work that way. You don't have any sort of general copyright to your personal appearance, and so someone creating a deepfake of you isn't violating copyright unless (and this is a maybe because it hasn't been litigated) they used material that did have a valid copyright in the generation of the deepfake. And then they would be violating the copyright of the person that holds the rights to the initial material, not necessarily the person being deepfaked.

Copyright isn't a magic wand you can wave around just go "Oh it's a deepfake of me so I'll sue them for copyright." You have to meet very specific standards to have a copyright and other for it to be infringed.

For example:Works created unknowingly can't receive a copyright:

Pictures taken by nonhuman actors can't receive copyright:

AI generated art currently isn't eligible for copywrite (this may change):


VegaTDM t1_j8pw6bb wrote

Consent does not apply to drawings of yourself, why would it apply to AI?


hawkwings t1_j8pxpym wrote

>in Japan you cannot take a picture, or video, of someone without their explicit permission.

That would interfere with vacation pictures. You would have to make sure that no one was in the way when you took a picture of a temple or beach.


Petaris t1_j8q1bju wrote

Privacy is a big deal in Japan.

The laws are not quite as straight forward as what I mentioned but its the safe way to conduct yourself when taking pictures there. There are of course exceptions and qualifications for what is and is not allowed and some of it is based around how the image may be used.

If you don't believe me you can go look it up for yourself. There is a lot of info out there about it.

That being said, I doubt that a random passerby is going to make a fuss if they end up in your vacation photo by accident.

If however you are taking vacation photos of them specifically, like Geisha on a picturesque street in Kyoto for example, you very likely will be in trouble and have the police called on you.


LandoChronus t1_j8q765d wrote

Your post didn't touch on the case (or I didn't understand fully) where the person/party recording will use that recording for profit. I think of like "candid camera" type shows.

Even though they don't need permission to film the random public, do they need permission if they're then going to profit off the footage? Is this why everyone around the "mark" they're messing with has their face blurred, or is that just a CYA thing?

This would be different than just filming someone for a project or whatever that won't be used in a commercial setting.


DanHassler0 t1_j8q7dm1 wrote

Should laws protect them? It's not them, right?


SvenTropics t1_j8q7opj wrote

Or just get over it. People have been photoshopping celebrity porn for over 20 years, and that's been fine. Have their lives been damaged in any measurable way? Absolutely not. The slippery slope we'd have to climb on to create legislation around. This is not one I ever want them to go down. Is your life really affected in any substantial way if someone made a digital representation of you that was getting Eiffel towered? Nope. Everyone knows it fake. For that matter, you're not going to be the target of this unless you're a celebrity or a politician. (Basically some kind of public figure) If they start making Barack Obama porn, a lot of women will probably be happy about that.


GregoPDX t1_j8qcczq wrote

At least for US productions, all candid camera shows where the person isn’t just in the background, they signed a waiver. Any of the radio shows where they call someone clandestinely are just actors - I don’t think there’s any legal way to do it otherwise.


FLRUlbts t1_j8qjfl5 wrote

"Deceptively manipulated pornography used the likenesses of Twitch stars without their consent, and now they're calling for more to be done."

Umm, phrasing? Do they really want more?


Metallic_Hedgehog t1_j8qpkim wrote

You cannot ban this technology, because you can't enforce it. It's essentially similar to Napster. If you ban it, 30 more popped up. It wasn't until streaming made the $15 + convenience a better value than free media + viruses that piracy fell out of the mainstream.

I think the best solution currently is to require videos to label such content, such as how sponsored content must be labeled. Granted, this only works for now while deepfake technology is still detectable.


Bad_Mood_Larry t1_j8qruwy wrote

>The dataset used to train the model needs to be sourced ethically, just like the supply chain used by a physical manufacturer needs to be audited to ensure a supplier isn't using slave labour in a country too remote to attract much attention over the issue.

Using data that readily and publicly accessible on the internet that was uploaded to the internet (many of which signed their right away to be collected in a dataset) to train a dataset is no where close to using slave labor this is a horrible analogy.


browserleet t1_j8r6x8m wrote

What if it’s stated in the video, clearly, that the videos are not the real person?

It’s still morally wrong, but at least the viewer knows the real person isn’t in the video.


Uristqwerty t1_j8rsa3r wrote

When it comes to consumer behaviour, people flocking to the cheaper product and actively saying "I don't care about the supply chain! Give me my cheap phone/AI art" while others keep trying to draw attention to unethical practices? It's a very close parallel. Maybe the harm feels less tangible when spread out over orders of magnitude more people, or when you're so accustomed to abusive ToS conditions giving away your rights, but it's still there.