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sus-water t1_je70vsd wrote

They're trying to ipo. They aren't doing this from the kindness of their hearts


The_NiNTARi t1_je75uxm wrote

100% this it’s exhausting how many people feel companies do things out of kindness. They are either seeking profit or found profit and want to add color to give the appearance of grace and kindness.

99% of Corporations do not think any other way. Giving a 1% variable so I don’t have people trying to correct me.


codyt321 t1_je7jrq7 wrote

Yeah ok? I'm still glad the subreddits flirting with child porn are gone.


firemogle t1_je7broh wrote

It's the same reason a company will take out ads to talk about how much they give to charity, when they could just spend the ad money on more charity. Caring sells but only if everyone knows how much you care.


WackyBones510 t1_je8f2fx wrote

This is very literally the only purpose a for-profit corporation can have - it’s not like some cool cynical take. It’s still fine to praise positive actions as earned media will create a demonstrable value for other businesses.

This is like being upset because you found out you computer isn’t genuinely nice.


Erriis t1_je7bbya wrote

Way to lift the branches so the gremlins can’t cherry-pick!


asdaaaaaaaa t1_je7ods6 wrote

Some people just really struggle to separate business from personal feelings, and understand the complex nature of having an investment board or large groups running things. While it's nice they did this, it should be obvious that many other changes will eventually follow that will be a net negative for the content and users unfortunately. Always is when this happens. It's good the subreddits are gone, but bad if overall users drop like a rock or leave in droves because of profitable changes.


holliups t1_je9i0ch wrote

Even if other changes follow that will be a net negative for the content and it's users, it'll still be a 100% worth it since revenge porn will no longer be allowed. No matter what happens next, the entire platform could shut down, and it'd still be worth it in order to get rid of that content. I'm not sure what you're saying here?


Ostracus t1_je89h7z wrote

Well I think we all know the current status of internet statistics. Maybe they are, maybe they aren't, but in the end it works out for everyone else so it really doesn't matter their reasons.


Scary-Perspective-57 t1_jeayodt wrote

Bro, corporations only exist on paper, corporations are just groups of people like you and I. I am all for criticising them but the reality is that we are just criticising ourselves.


antigonemerlin t1_je7adf6 wrote

As long as they are doing it, that means the pressure is partly working. Corporate investors only care because they know consumers care.


LeadSky t1_je7qe5c wrote

Still good that they’re permabanning these shitheads, whether it’s from kindness or not. That’s not what matters.

What matters is they are cracking down on the vile shit


_w2- t1_je9ebho wrote

As a tech guy, I love this. Tell me about the permaban. Does anyone know how reddit actually plans to keep these people off their platform?

Permaban isn't real. 😂


Luci_Noir t1_je7h0xk wrote

Does it matter? Some people will get outraged about anything.


garlicroastedpotato t1_je765ae wrote

And I mean, it's an announcement about the effects of a policy they released almost a year ago when they were intending to IPO earlier. There's a lot still wrong with Reddit that'll make for a terrible public social media company. Their moderators are such massive liabilities. The corporate and country regulated subreddits are like Chinese TikTok level nightmares. And then the fact that it still has porn subreddits that really only act as an advertisement for its posters onlyfans.... like.... they got a lot of work ahead of them.


The_Blue_Adept t1_jeai9ra wrote

There will be a culling soon. The massive removal will reduce this app to MySpace when it's over.


nobody_smith723 t1_je763by wrote

also. nothing stops anyone from making a new account.

now if reddit announced aggressively working with law enforcement to see anyone engaging in revenge porn or non-consensual image sharing... brought up on criminal charges. and here is some success stories.

that might be something.


sus-water t1_je76nrm wrote

You can get an IP and device ID ban, but if someone gets around both, there's nothing reddit, or any social media site for that matter, can do


Redqueenhypo t1_je84cas wrote

I’m sure that’s true. Doesn’t mean I think we should bring the jailbait sub back in the interest of freeze peach.


dangerbird2 t1_jebc1tv wrote

Just like how the admins refused to remove the "jailbait" and other pedophilia-adjacent subs until Anderson Cooper and other big-name media started reporting about it.


User9705 t1_je7q34x wrote

Soon as they IPO, I’m signing up for the new version at


asdaaaaaaaa t1_je7o56m wrote

Agreed. Not to mention while one or two things might end up being a positive, the overall change will be a net negative for the content and users. It always is.
