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t1_je0civh wrote

So let me get this straight

They used obviously made up reasons to stay off work for extended periods of time without providing any proof, doctors notes, covid tests etc

When they were actually at work they did everything they could to not actually work to the point where other workers reported them

They shit talk the company on Facebook and name drop other employees for seemingly no reason other than they were criticised for not working

And then before they’re actually fired one of them allegedly makes another post to a private Facebook group with a Union statement about their firing. He predicted his own firing…

I’m all for unions, I’m in one, and fuck Union busting, but this quite literally just lazy employees looking for a lawsuit and leveraging their Union position to make themselves look invincible

Edit; some of the comments on Facebook about the Oklahoma store where they were fired from are … interesting, lazy rude and racist employees with a few dozen or so complaints about them in the past year alone.

also I’ll just point out that the 3 were more than likely fired for time card manipulation, Apple cracked down on it a few weeks ago, whereas the other 2 were (rightfully) fired for faking covid


t1_je0gkbb wrote

Agreed, the amount of lazy people in the industry that use the guise of “unions” is really sad.


t1_je5p2vq wrote

hopefully this doesn’t ruin you’re perception of unions tho they are a necessity I believe.


t1_je5yail wrote

Oh no, trust me Im like the parent comment: i still love unions and all for it.

Its a shame that theres bad fruits in that bunch that make the rest look bad too

I normally hate gatekeeping stuff but from my own anecdotal experience, ive seen genuine lazy people that obviously do not know what “hard work” entails and use the narrative of antiwork to justify their antics

It is what it is and i think the most we can do is call these folks out


t1_je1o416 wrote

As someone who worked within Apple. All this behavior is very accurate and common.


t1_je13cv2 wrote

Apple has probably insane lawyers that will tear them to shreds. A co-worker who loved to be 15-20 mins late every single day of the week for two straight years was shocked when he was promptly fired. This is after he’s been told to show up on time countless times over the course of the two years. Blames the company for his own actions just like these idiots.


t1_je2f2kr wrote

Wow that is telling. Seems like a non story and people like this deserve to be fired.


t1_je1qyjs wrote

So given all that, doesn’t it bother you that the union piled on against Apple here? It’s one thing to blame lazy employees, but what about the union? Shouldn’t they be held to a higher standard as well?


t1_je1thpc wrote

In theory they should defend their members from everything that isn’t outright illegal, being lazy isn’t illegal (thankfully) so I think that the union is just following its own guidelines to the point where this can benefit them.

If this ends up in court or in front of the union ethics committee then I can see them being blacklisted from the unions


t1_je3dzx0 wrote

These employees harassed other coworkers. If unions defend that, then fuck unions.


t1_je3dv8k wrote

For naming other employees they should be personally sued for workplace harassment. If you publicly slander your teammates for what happened at your workplace, you should be fired first of all. If your statements about your coworker is untrue, you should be personally liable.

Fuck every person like this.


t1_je1w351 wrote

What you say and what the article says do not concur:

> Gemma Wyatt, who worked at Apple in Kansas City for seven years and began organizing at her store last spring, was put on a disciplinary notice after arriving late for her shift by an average of one minute, three times in a month, she said. Apple fired her in early February after two more attendance-related issues.

So, please provide sources for your statements.


t1_je2fcpt wrote

I’m sure that’s what she says. Generally people like that tend to lack accountability and embellish.


t1_je15hop wrote

This article and you are meant to make unions look bad.


t1_je16a4v wrote

No, the article actually whitewashes what they did, it makes them look like the victims of Union busting rather than the actual truth that they’re lazy grifters who got their Union membership and then almost immediately tried to get a lawsuit out of it.

I’m pro union but I’m also not delusional or just fucking stupid enough to think that unions are gods gift to mankind, these people are manipulating and diluting unions.

The people you actually have issue with here, even though you’ll probably never admit it is, is the group of people who are making unions look weak in exchange for a payday.

Edit: okay this guy is mentally ill


t1_je18npg wrote

The guy you replied to believes the world is black and white and nothing more complicated than that. They’re operating at a 5th grader’s understanding of nuance. Good on you to call it out.

For the guy above you: Unions are absolutely a good thing, but Union members that abuse rules to try and look like victims make the WHOLE union look bad. Also, police union’s are a thing and absolutely should be, however they beed absolute scrutiny from both interior and exterior sources so we don’t have the abuses we see from them. Or unions that kowtow to corporate power. Just as bad and is a regular occurrence. I hope the UAW elections that have been bringing more progressive reformers into the fold will yield excellent results. But only time will tell.

Read some more, you’re on the right track but this “Unions only equals good, no unions equals only bad” view you have is incredibly naïve and short-sighted. There are bad unions out there.