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bitfriend6 t1_jdplqtb wrote

Silicon Valley was founded upon a railroad that preformed the same social disruption in the 19th century, turning an otherwise quiet frontier state full of mexicans into a polluted industrial power plant capable of building nuclear weapons. It's not weird, it's capitalism, and the eighties are over. The growth era is over, and we can't expect these businesses to not abuse their power in the same way every other gigantic network has before them. The government needs to regulate them, if the Federal government is too paralyzed by the right than individual states can.

We literally did it with the railroads, and did it so hard where most Americans no longer consider railroads valuable or even important as we built a society utterly divorced from them. This has it's own social consequences, but demonstrates that it can be done if there is will to power.


Fenix42 t1_jdprdab wrote

The thing is, tech is still in the new disruptive thing phase. It has not really even gotten started.

I am 42 amd a 2nd generation programer. My dad started in the 80s. He went over to the hadwareside after a few years. He still proframed at home as a hobby, though. I started programming at like 8 on my dads lap.

I have grown with tech. I got to learn it as it became more complicated. Tech passed the point a guy like me can keep up with all the new shit when I was in my 20s and working in the industry.

The speed has only increased since then.

I agree that we need to keep tech in check. There are major issues that need to be handled. We just need to be careful how we do it. There is still a lot tombe gained from it.


seri_machi t1_jdqobwl wrote

AI is a field that is blowing up. Humans aren't done inventing technological revolutions yet (unless of course we start letting AI do it.) And the center of that is still Silicon Valley, the city of dreamers.

But yeah, regulate big tech. AI only makes that more urgent.