
t1_jdprdab wrote

The thing is, tech is still in the new disruptive thing phase. It has not really even gotten started.

I am 42 amd a 2nd generation programer. My dad started in the 80s. He went over to the hadwareside after a few years. He still proframed at home as a hobby, though. I started programming at like 8 on my dads lap.

I have grown with tech. I got to learn it as it became more complicated. Tech passed the point a guy like me can keep up with all the new shit when I was in my 20s and working in the industry.

The speed has only increased since then.

I agree that we need to keep tech in check. There are major issues that need to be handled. We just need to be careful how we do it. There is still a lot tombe gained from it.


t1_iy7i2mj wrote

>In the past those with short lifespans were less likely to mate, so in all likelihood only those with longer lifespans mated.

Humans can have kids at like 12-13. Living to 50+ for men might mean more kids if you can keep finding mates. You will be competing with younger healthier males for those mates. You also have to factor in that a LOT more men died from violence in the past. Hunting, farming, and war tend to reduce the male population a ton.

Women tended tomdie in child birth of those first kid a lot more in the past. They also can't really have kids past their late 40s. Living longer won't change that.


t1_iy5cjcx wrote

>Negative comments tend to accurately reflect the human condition and challenges that people face, where positive comments tend to be "put on a happy face and pretend everything is fine", which is harder to identify with.

That all depends on your mental state. If you are in a happy place, positive posts will be easy to identify with. If you are in an unhappy place, negative posts will be easier to identify with.

The kicker is, a negative post can more easily shift people from happy to unhappy then a positive post can shift people from unhappy to happy. This is true outside of social media as well. People are more willing to believe negative things said about themselves over positive things. We are out own worst critics.


t1_iwtror5 wrote

It can take over a year to onboard a new engineer. That process takes time from your current engineers to interview and then train the new person. That can mean over a year of lowered productivity before you break even or see an uptick in output.

That is why it's cheaper to retain people who are already trained on your code.


t1_isv4omp wrote

Laysoffs are not capitalism failing. It's one company reducing it's staff because they don't think they will be making enough ROI on those people in the near future.

If anything, layoffs are actually a sign that capitalism is working. MS is laying people off because its revenue is down. It's revenue is down because they either lost businesses to competitors or made mistakes with new products.